Hebrew is constructed using a system of “root” words.
The Hebrew language takes a word, gives it a meaning, and then there are offshoots of that word that gives us different words for different uses (more similar to Chinese or Japanese in this sense I would say).
However, the different words coming from the same root will all have a common thread in meaning.
Let’s take a look at the Hebrew word “Adam”.
The first thing you need to know is “Adam” is a generic term for human being.
It is NOT a proper noun.
And as I mentioned in an earlier post, it does NOT automatically suggest maleness.
So the traditional translation “man” is misleading.
A correct translation should say, “Let us make a human in our image”, NOT “a man in our image”.
The word Adam is also the root word for the color “red” and for the word “soil” or “earth”.
This makes perfect sense since the Scriptures tell us that God created a human (remember not a “man” but a “human”) from the dust of the ground.
However, what connection does the color red have with being human?
First, red is the color of blood which is essential for life.
Second, in Scripture, red also represents royalty and majesty.
I believe this points to the fact that God created a human in His Image.
Now, interestingly, white supremacists also have their own take on the Hebrew word Adam.
They claim that since according to James Strong’s Hebrew dictionary “Adam” translates as “be ruddy, red, to show blood (in the face)“, it can only be referring to Caucasians.
Their reasoning is that only white people can blush or turn rosy in the face because hemoglobin only appears under pale skin.
So they conclude that the first humans (both Adam and Eve) were Caucasians and the other mud races as they call them are what the Bible refers to as the “beasts of the field”.
Oh man, I just can’t stop laughing.
So I’m ending this post right here.
See you all next time.
Sorry But you are incorrect in your little attempt to be smart . It was man . Not a man . Not human . It was let us make man in our own image. Woman came after . And was not a part of any original plan . Btw . Since your in the femme wagon . Did you know that a mans rib is the only part of a man that will regrow itself a new . That’s right . But only a mans rib will regrow .. so funny how you think your all smart and shit .
You didn’t refute the claim you left it at I’m laughing and ending the post right here. I came here to hear it refuted. Making silly statements like I’m laughing does nothing and shows no argument.
I’ve understood that the Adam of the 6th. day creation was all humans of all races. Adam, with the addition of eth-ha Adham is “thee Adam” ( the man we know as Adam of Adam and Eve. It’s only obvious in the Hebrew because both Adam (man) and eth-ha Adahm (thee man) are both translated into English as Adam. After the seventh day, the Sabbath, eth-ha Adahm was created because God had no one to work in the fields. This would have been the 8th. day and eight symbolizes “new beginning”. This was the beginning of the seed line of Christ.
This is the truth. The guy who wrote that article contradicted himself. The 6th day creations where created, but Adam and eve where formed from dirt. So either he cares about race, or he doesn’t fully doesn’t understand that race doesn’t matter here.
Try again. You will find it’s purple that represents royality.