There’s one common error a lot of us make when reading our Bibles…
Since we know we’re reading the Holy Scriptures, we have a tendency to try and “spiritualize” certain verses when no such meaning was intended.
For instance, a lot of folks will interpret the instructions Naomi gave Ruth to have her prepare to meet Boaz as containing a bunch of religious significance.
Naomi instructed Ruth to bath, anoint herself with oil and then put on “good clothes”.
A lot of bs commentary on the matter will say Ruth was taking a ritual bath here which in Hebrew is a MIKVAH…
They’ll say her anointing herself with oil had some kind of spiritual significance…
And a lot of folks in the Christian camp will say Ruth was actually putting on a wedding dress…
Now that’s a stretch if I ever heard one.
Well, here’s the real deal homies.
None of this is true…
It’s all a bunch of booooooool sheeeeeeeeet…
There’s absolutely NOTHING of any religious or ritual significance occurring here.
The bathing was just a common bath so Ruth could remove the sweat and dirt from her body.
The “anointing of oil” wasn’t an anointing at all.
It was simply applying some olive oil to her skin to make it smooth and also add a pleasant scent to her body.
You know, just like perfume.
Finally, the idea that Ruth was putting on a wedding dress here is pure nonsense of gargantuan proportions…
In fact, even saying she was putting on “good clothes” as the Complete Jewish Bible translates it is a stretch.
It simply goes against the plain meaning of the Hebrew homies.
The Hebrew word being used here is SIMLAH or שִׂמְלָה…
And it’s just the plain ole generic word for clothing…
Well, to be more accurate it can also refer to a garment the common people often wore in those days.
It was like a long blanket.
One half was tied around the waist.
The other half was slung over the shoulder to cover the upper body parts.
And sometimes it did double as a blanket.
Anyways, my point is Ruth wasn’t putting on some wedding dress or any type of special clothing at all.
What’s that?
You’re wondering why then would Naomi tell her to put on clothing?
Well, what’s she gonna do man?
Show up naked?
Of course, she’s gonna put on some clothing.
Over and out.
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