Are you all familiar with the Hebrew word CHUTZPAH?
I think it’s written like this: חוצפּה
The dictionary definition of the word is “extreme confidence or audacity”.
The reason I bring this up is because I believe this is one quality we can learn from Naomi.
When God brought her an opportunity to turn her life around, she did NOT hesitate.
She took bold and aggressive action IMMEDIATELY.
Now how many of us do the exact opposite when the Lord presents an exciting new situation to us?
Rather than grabbing a hold of that opportunity with both hands, we instead cower away in fear.
And all of the ridiculous “What ifs?” start rearing their ugly heads.
“What if I run out of money?”
“What if the she says ‘No’?”
“What if there’s an earthquake in that country I’ve been wanting to go to for the longest time?”
Blah, blah, blah and so on and so forth.
Well, there’s another side to the“what if?” equation.
And it goes like this:
What will happen then?
Isn’t that the real question you should be asking yourself?
If Naomi hadn’t taken the bold and decisive action that she took.
She wouldn’t have been able to…
Find a way to keep the name of Elimelech and clan alive since he and both his sons were dead…
Protect the all-important land inheritance that had been left in her trust since her husband died and there were no male heirs left…
Provide the young Ruth with a good and decent future…
Find a means of support in her old age since she had no sons to provide for her…
If Naomi hadn’t had the CHUTZPAH to take immediate advantage of the opportunity when the Lord presented it to her, she would’ve lost ALL of the above benefits I mentioned.
And kudos to Ruth for having the boldness to go along with Naomi’s plan!
There’s two important lessons to be learned from Naomi’s response to Ruth befriending Boaz.
FIRST, she was AWARE that a unique and divine opportunity had been presented to her.
SECOND, she took quick ACTION as I’ve been saying.
So go and do likewise!
“To him Yeshua said,
‘No one who puts his hand to the plow
and keeps looking back is fit
to serve in the Kingdom of God.'”
-Luke 9:62
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