“Naomi said, ‘My daughter, just stay where you are, until you learn how the matter comes out; for the man won’t rest unless he resolves the matter today.”-Ruth 3:18
After a long night at the threshing floor with Boaz, Ruth finally returns home.
Naomi wakes up bleary eyed and calls out “Who are you? My daughter?”
Ruth tells Naomi it’s her and explains everything that happened.
When Naomi saw the gift of grain Ruth had received, she knew it was a sign of good faith Boaz was going to keep his word and not rest until all loose ends were tied up.
Either Ruth would be redeemed by the other family redeemer or Boaz would marry her.
Now there’s a huge spiritual lesson here I don’t want you to overlook.
When Naomi said to Ruth…“My daughter, just stay where you are, until you learn how the matter comes out”, the following verse popped into my mind:
“Be still, and know that I am God”
-Psalm 46:10
My point is how many of us fret and worry EVEN after we’ve received God’s promises and evidence that he’s going to come through for us?
Why do we sometimes find it so difficult to just sit still and let God be God so he can do His thing?
Well, don’t beat yourself up if you have that tendency.
Even the great Biblical heroes of our faith sometimes found it difficult to rest in God’s promises.
Consider the promise God gave to Abraham that he would give birth to a child.
Because Abraham got antsy and started worrying, he decided to take matters into his own hands resulting in the birth of Ishmael and the whole Middle Eastern crisis we have today.
So that’s your lesson for today.
The Lord knows you gotta pay the rent next month…
He knows you gotta eat…
He knows you’re looking for your soul mate (if you’re single and desiring a partner)…
So my advice to you is the same advice Naomi gave to Ruth:
“Just stay where you are,
until you learn how
the matter comes out”.
Because God’s got your back…
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