Yesterday I discussed how the GO’EL or Kinsman Redeemer was obligated to step in and purchase land that was in danger of being lost to an outsider in order to keep ownership of that property inside the clan.
And before that, I talked about how the GO’EL was to be a “Blood Avenger” if anyone hurt or killed one of his kinsmen.
However, his duties didn’t end there.
The story of Ruth also shows that a GO’EL was obligated to marry a next of kin’s widow in order to prevent the land from being lost to another clan, tribe or a gentile.
This was similar to how Levirate Marriage operated.
But, and this may surprise you, Boaz’s marriage to Ruth was actually NOT a legit Levirate Marriage.
Remember, a Levirate marriage is about a brother of the deceased husband stepping in to create children to carry on his dead brother’s name.
Boaz was NOT Elimelech’s brother.
Instead, when he married Ruth, he was doing it as part of his duties as a Kinsman Redeemer.
This served two purposes:
To technically rescue the land on Naomi’s behalf…
And to provide Ruth with a son.
So yeah, it’s kinda like Levirate Marriage I guess in a sense…
But not really so…
Because Boaz was NOT Elimelech’s brother.
Alrighty, let’s wrap this discussion by pointing out what should be an obvious connection.
If you put your trust in him, Yeshua the Messiah is your GO’EL.
He is your Kinsman Redeemer.
This is really one of those teachings that exposes the falsehood of the argument that says gentile believers are to have nothing to do with the Law of Moses.
Because the whole concept of the GO’EL is pre-Law folks.
It’s like the 7th day sabbath.
It was instituted way before Sinai.
The Kinsman Redeemer was modeled after God Himself…
Which means God’s son would also possess the same attributes.
We’ll talk a little bit more about this the next time we meet.
Quote: “the whole concept of the GO’EL is pre-Law”
Ok, that is HUGE.
Like the clean animals of Noah’s day.
Like Job purifying and sacrificing on behalf of his children
I am wracking my brain trying to think of how this is found in the Scripture . . .but it is coming up blank.
Looking forward to tomorrow’s post to find out!