Yesterday I talked about Paul’s sermon in Romans Chapter 11 and how he explained that the branches of the Olive Tree (a Biblical metaphor for Israel) were removed for one reason and one reason only:
To pave the way for the salvation of ALL Israel.
Paul explains it as follows:
“’In that case, I say,
isn’t it that they have
stumbled with the result
that they have permanently fallen away?’
Heaven forbid!
Quite the contrary,
it is by means of their stumbling
that the deliverance
has come to the Gentiles,
in order to provoke them to jealousy.”
-Romans 11:11
Notice Paul is saying two things here.
FIRST, he’s saying that Israel may have stumbled by rejecting their Messiah, but that stumbling will NOT be a permanent mistake.
SECOND, in order to bring Israel back into a saving relationship with Him, God has broke off some of the branches of His Olive Tree and in their place grafted in wild, uncircumcised, gentile branches.
God did this to provoke Israel to jealousy so that she would be saved.
The important thing to keep in mind here is God only broke off some “unfaithful” branches of the Olive Tree…
He never tore down the whole Olive Tree and replaced it with a gentile apple tree or something.
Ya hear what I’m saying?
Also, we can see that the process of God using gentiles to bring about his salvation of ONLY Israel began waaaaaay before Yeshua came on the scene.
Because the Moabite Ruth was destined to be the gentile grandmother of the Jewish King David way before time began.
We can see in some mysterious way how God used the gentile Ruth as a pawn in His hand to bring about the Jewish Savior whose purpose was to save ONLY Israel.
I feel compelled to keep stressing that point because of both the ignorance and arrogance of the institutional gentile church on this matter.
I can’t count how many Christian Bible studies I’ve participated in during which whenever the topic of Israel and the Jewish people came up, they’ll always use phrases like “The Jews have to accept Christ so they can join us”.
In anger, I’m like…
“Excuse me homies?!
We are the wild branches that by God’s grace have been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel…
Not the opposite you fools!”
There’s no way in hell that a Jew and especially a Messianic Jew should join a pork-eating, Sabbath-breaking institution whose core theology says that the Jewish Messiah did away with the Law that God Himself instituted at Mount Sinai.
Are you freakin’ kidding me?
It makes no sense.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.
There never has been and there never will be a “gentile covenant”…EVER!
When the prophet Jeremiah speaks about the New Covenant, look at who is included in this covenant:
“’The days are coming,’
declares the LORD, ‘
when I will make a
new covenant with
the people of Israel and
with the people of Judah.”
There ain’t no South Korean covenant (sorry all you Moonies)…
Or some Aryan nation, white supremacist, Northern European race covenant…
Or insert any non-Hebrew race here covenant and there NEVER will be.
Man, I’m getting a little tired of having to explain this over and over and over again.
The only hope for a gentile to be saved is to be grafted into the covenants that God HAS ONLY MADE WITH ISRAEL!
Got it?
“But if some of the branches
were broken off,
and you — a wild olive —
were grafted in
among them and have
become equal sharers
in the rich root of the olive tree,
then don’t boast as if you were
better than the branches!
However, if you do boast,
remember that you are
not supporting the root,
the root is supporting you.
So you will say,
‘Branches were broken off
so that I might be grafted in.’
True, but so what?
They were broken off because
of their lack of trust.
However, you keep your place
only because of your trust.
So don’t be arrogant;
on the contrary, be terrified!
For if God did not spare
the natural branches,
he certainly won’t spare you!
So take a good look at
God’s kindness and his severity:
on the one hand,
severity toward those who fell off;
but, on the other hand,
God’s kindness toward you
— provided you maintain yourself
in that kindness!
Otherwise, you too will be cut off!
Moreover, the others,
if they do not persist
in their lack of trust,
will be grafted in;
because God is able
to graft them back in.
For if you were cut out of
what is by nature a wild olive tree
and grafted, contrary to nature,
into a cultivated olive tree,
how much more will these
natural branches be grafted back
into their own olive tree!”
-Romans 11:17-24
“He answered,
‘I was sent only to
the lost sheep of Israel.‘”
-Matthew 15:24
“Therefore remember that you,
once Gentiles in the flesh
—who are called Uncircumcision
by what is called the Circumcision
made in the flesh by hands—
that at that time you
were without Messiah,
being aliens from the
commonwealth of Israel and
strangers from the
covenants of promise,
having no hope and
without God in the world.
But now in Messiah Yeshua
you who once were far off
have been brought near
by the blood of Messiah.”
-Ephesians 2:11-13
Holy smokes! How many times have I read this but not realized that point from this passage? Great teaching!
When the prophet Jeremiah speaks about the New Covenant, look at who is included in this covenant . . .”the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.”
There ain’t . . .any non-Hebrew race covenant and there NEVER will be.
The only hope for a gentile to be saved is to be grafted into the covenants that God HAS ONLY MADE WITH ISRAEL!
Glad you found this enlightening Eric. Be blessed!