Following on the heels of yesterday’s post, let’s see how the Apostle Paul answers the question…
“Do gentile believers become Jewish when they come to faith in the Jewish Messiah?”.
Let’s go to the book of Romans and have a look at the following verses:
“For circumcision is indeed of value
if you do what Torah says.
But if you are a transgressor of Torah,
your circumcision has become uncircumcision!
Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps
the righteous requirements of the Torah,
won’t his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision?
Indeed, the man who is physically uncircumcised
but obeys the Torah will stand as a judgment on you
who have had a b’rit-milah
and have Torah written out but violate it!
For the real Jew is not merely Jewish outwardly:
true circumcision is not only external and physical.
On the contrary, the real Jew is one inwardly;
and true circumcision is of the heart,
spiritual not literal;
so that his praise comes
not from other people
but from God.”
-Romans 2:25-29
There are two common mistakes folks make when they read the above verses.
The first mistake is to think Paul is talking about a Torah disobedient Jew here who is being scolded for his disobedience.
That’s not the case.
In other words, Paul is NOT saying that for a Jew to be a real and true Jew, he must have a circumcised heart.
He’s actually talking about gentiles here.
How do I know that?
Because of verse 31 which follows after:
“Then what advantage
has the Jew?
What is the value of
being circumcised?
Much in every way!
In the first place,
the Jews were entrusted with
the very words of God.”
Paul is comparing and contrasting with a gentile who has had his heart circumcised and then as a result becomes a Jew inwardly.
Now the second mistake is to think that Paul is saying that after a gentile receives a circumcised heart, that by some freakish miracle, the gentile somehow physically transforms into an ethnic Hebrew.
That’s not the case either.
The physical or ethnic distinction between gentile and Jew still remains EVEN AFTER BOTH HAVE HAD THEIR HEARTS CIRCUMCISED.
In retaliation, I know a lot of folks will shoot back with…“but doesn’t the Scripture say there be neither Jew nor Gentile in the body of Christ blah, blah, blah?”
My answer is that verse is referring to the spiritual status of the Jew and the gentile in the body of Messiah and how they are both equal spiritually.
Paul is NOT saying the ethnic differences have been erased.
Look, Paul also says “There be neither male or female in the body of Christ”.
Is he also now saying that gender differences have been erased?
Of course not man.
He’s talking about one’s heavenly or spiritual status.
The circumcision of the heart is a spiritual operation, not some transformation of one’s flesh or ethnicity.
So when Paul uses the term “real Jew”, he’s saying it in the sense of what’s really important in terms of being in a saving relationship with the living God.
He’s not saying an ethnic Jew who has NOT had his heart circumcised is no longer a Jew.
Nor is he saying that a gentile who has had his heart circumcised becomes a Jew.
The truth is Paul’s theology is identical to Ruth’s theology.
In other words, it is impossible to become one of God’s people spiritually while at the same time reject God’s chosen people physically.
The inward transformation (circumcision of the heart) must merge with the outward reality (physical Israel).
Romans Chapter 11 makes it clear that gentiles are grafted in to Israel and God’s covenants with Israel through their faith in the Jewish Messiah.
And again, this is a spiritual operation.
If we accept the idea that the gentile church somehow transforms into physical Israel, then we end up falling for that Satanic deception known as “Replacement Theology”.
Unfortunately, this false doctrine has gripped the church for centuries now.
Not only is it NOT true that gentiles who have accepted Yeshua have replaced the Jewish people, it’s IMPOSSIBLE.
Because when a gentile’s heart is circumcised, as demonstrated in the book of Ruth, in that instant a bond is created between that gentile and physical native-born Hebrews.
Again, go to the book of Ruth for your theology, not your Christian pastor who has been brainwashed by his seminary professors who probably possess zero foundational understanding in God’s Torah or the Hebrew Bible.
Ruth didn’t arrogantly strut into Beit-Lechem and tell the local Hebrews there that she as a gentile had replaced them and that they were no longer chosen by God because she had accepted the God of Israel.
Unfortunately, that’s the exact position the institutional gentile church has taken and it’s blasphemous as all hell.
Ruth understood that to accept the God of Israel meant to also accept Israel…
She understood that the real Scriptural trinity is God the Father, Israel the Land, and His Chosen People.
It is these three entities that cannot be broken.
Indeed, Ruth should be the model the gentile church should be following instead of the evil Replacement Theology it has adopted.
Over and out.
Oh I love your comments. Music to the heart!
Thank you!