“Na‘omi said to her two daughters-in-law, ‘Each of you, go back to your mother’s house. May Adonai show grace to you, as you did to those who died and to me.'”-Ruth 1:8
I wanna show you something that’ll just fly over your head unless I point it out.
When Naomi tells her Moabite daughters-in-law Ruth and Orpah to NOT accompany her back to Israel she says “Each of you, go back to your mother’s house”.
Here’s the thing.
In those days it was unusual to refer to the family home as the “mother’s house” as opposed to belonging to the “father”.
Some folks say the idea being expressed here is that until the girls get new husbands, who better to comfort them than their own mothers?
Yeah, I guess that makes sense, but I think there’s a better interpretation we can bring to the table here.
The book of Ruth is a story about women.
The main character Naomi is a woman.
And the chief supporting character, Ruth, is a woman.
And the whole story revolves around the challenges women face in a male-dominated ancient society.
So everything is seen from a woman’s perspective.
And not only that, I would say one of the underlying sub-themes of this book is that the Lord greatly values women…
And how they should be respected and cared for in society.
Therefore, it is most suitable for Naomi to say “Go back to your mother’s house”.
I might also add I can see why Ruth is one of the most beloved books among female believers everywhere.
It has tenderness and romance woven into it…
And at its conclusion, a male hero rides in to save the day.
Beautigul : A Male hero rides in to save the Day giving the glory to the male… poor Ruth… but everybody loves a HAPPY ENDING otherwise what would be the point… 1+ 1 = 2… ONE MAN & ONE WOMAN.. The book of RUTH is read in every Synagogue on SHAVUOT… The RABBI fro. KENESSET ISRAEL CONGREGATION, RABBI CHAIM GOLDBERGER. walked me to the EXIT DOOR on SHAVUOT 2000… . I have not been back and he is retired from the Synaogue… My first SHAVUOT 1999 was at that same Synagogue… I went at the wishes of YESHUA but HE removed my VOICE. When the woman next to me asked “ARE YOU S FOREIGNER OR ARE YOU ONE OF US?” I could literally not say a peep because HE REMOVED MY VOICE… 3 1/2 years later… RUTH is your HEROINE… & BOAZ is her Knight in shining armor…. tonight ended SIMCHAT TORAH… CHABAD.ORG POSTED A great read on the letter MEM … The open & closed version… my name “MONIQUE” in hebrew is just one letter. The 13th letter MEM… stands for 2. Water & 2nd “MASHIACH” PS… I KNOW HIM AND IT IS NOT JESUS / YESHUA… REVELATION 5:5 … connects to 5.5.1997.. And a RING with 10 DIAMONDS…A Very Long STORY…. 26 YEARS … SHALOM to U
Shalom Monique!