Wanna know what Satan’s greatest and most effective tool for keeping mankind separated from God is?
It can be expressed in one word:
The dictionary definition is as follows:
“a group of ancient heresies, stressing escape from this world through the acquisition of esoteric knowledge”.
Here’s the thing.
Gnosticism is one of those age-old and ungodly philosophies that never dies but goes largely undetected because it’s constantly shifting and taking on new forms.
Only those who have a serious grounding in God’s Word can spot its deception.
So what are some of the main characteristics of Gnosticism.
There are two.
The first is seeking to humanize God…
To always be trying to make Him more like us.
But God is NOT a man and never will He become one.
The second is always attempting to naturalize all of the mystical and supernatural events that occur in Scripture.
For instance, the Gnostic will say:
“The splitting of the Red Sea or Yeshua casting demons outta men weren’t really miracles man!
There’s actually a natural explanation behind those events”.
Like they’ll say the demons in Scripture were just metaphorical ways to express a variety of forms of mental illnesses.
And through this chipping away at what’s plainly revealed in the Scriptures, slowly but surely your faith in God’s Word is undermined to the point where it doesn’t even exist anymore.
So what are some of the forms gnosticism takes today?
I’ll give you some of the key words so you’l be able to quickly spot the deception.
They are:
Liberal Theology
The New Age
The Interfaith Movement
The Emergent Church
Furthermore, the one unifying factor behind these groups is they’re mainly a satanic response to two things:
The return of Israel to its homeland…
…the growing body of believers who are thirsty for the purity of God’s Torah and are challenging the manmade doctrines of the gentile church.
Again, this is nothing new.
Gnosticism reared its ugly head in the days of the early messianic church as well when Paul and Peter were spreading the gospel.
I gave you some of the keywords this demonic philosophy goes under.
To add to that, here are some of Gnosticism’s main teachings:
One is that the God of Israel is no longer the sovereign Creator who judges mankind…
Instead he’s more a loving grandfather who looks the other way when we engage in all manner of sin.
They apply the same idea to Yeshua…
No longer is he the sovereign Son of God who has been given all authority in heaven and earth from the Father.
Instead he’s made out to be some good buddy who’s on an equal level with us and someone who cheers us on and helps us to overcome obstacles that prevent us from achieving our personal dreams of great wealth and success in this life.
The Gnostic’s image of man is even more skewed.
No longer is mankind a special creation made in the image of God.
Instead, we’re all just part of the animal kingdom who happen to differ from our four-legged counterparts because of our superior brain power and ability to communicate using language.
Can you say “Hello Darwin”?
Again, I need to stress there’s absolutely nothing new about this philosophy.
A philosophy that puts mankind on the same level as our pet cats and dogs…
And turns God into more of a genie who fulfills all of our (usually fleshly) desires.
Gnosticism is actually quite older than the “Old” Testament.
We’ll continue this discussion the next time we meet…
And if you’re wondering what the heck does all of this have to do with the book of Ruth, we’ll hold onto your horses.
Everything’s gonna be tied together…
I promise!
Another one-word definition of the Satanic plan to separate us from God is…religion.
Good one!
Although Christianity, Judaism and Islam appear to be similar on the surface, they cannot be mixed.
Thus, Chrislam is false.