One other theme woven into Ruth (and yes, there are several themes contained in this book) is the concept of the “Kinsman Redeemer“.
And to show how the Kinsman Redeemer (Boaz in this case) was a type of Messiah.
What’s that?
You say you don’t remember what the Kinsman Redeemer is all about?
Well, let’s have a quick review.
Basically, in Scripture, the Kinsman Redeemer had three roles to fulfill.
The first role was to be the one who stepped in to buy back land for a family member who was about to lose it due financially crushing circumstances.
The second role was the one who avenged the death of a family member.
The third role was to be the one who stepped in to marry a son-less widow so she could give birth to a son who would carry on the deceased father’s line.
In this case, rather than donate money, the Kinsman Redeemer would donate his sperm.
We’re going to see both the first and third roles fleshed out in the character of Boaz as he is presented to us as a Messiah-type figure within the context of a love story.
And again, I warn you, although the book of Ruth contains only 85 verses, it contains some very advanced Torah principles that 99.9% of believers walking the planet today know nothing about.
We’re about to go from basic arithmetic to algebra and even touch upon the calculus of Holy Scripture at times.
It’ll get technical and challenging at the times.
But boy oh boy, imagine how awesome your understanding of Scripture will be once we’re done.
And if you’re a pastor, preacher or teacher, trust me, the information you’re about to learn will put you on another level.
So see ya all next time as we dive into our text study.
Great Expectations. Thanks
Stay tuned!
Even before I began my whole Bible believing narrow path walk the book of Ruth was my favorite in the entire Bible. I am very much looking forward to this study and new revelation on this wee book that is full of amazing wisdom! Shalom
Stay tuned Christina! I think you’re gonna love it! Be blessed and SHALOM!
What a great foreshadowing of Christ.
Unfortunately, we have men in our society in a not-so-secret cult who think they are playing Christ, and tricking women like Katy Perry and Beyonce with the Kinsmen Redeemer gimmick. Women must really know their Bibles, because we know demons quote scripture as well. God knew what He was doing when Christ was immaculately conceived.
No need to be Boaz to Ruth or Satan to Job after Christ ascended to the Father. It’s New Testament time, and the Kingdom is coming soon.
Mark 12:24 — When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like the angels in heaven.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Absolutely. Thanks for reading. Be blessed and Shalom!