“As long as Sha’ul lived there was bitter war against the P’lishtim. Whenever Sha’ul saw any strong or courageous man, he recruited him into his service.”-1 Samuel 14:52 Today is November 9th, 2023 and Israel is currently at war with the terrorist group Hamas. You know what amazes me about this battle? Just how ignorant […]
1S14-25: Two Worldly Principles That God Is Against
“So Sha’ul took over the rulership of Isra’el. He fought against all his enemies on every side — against Mo’av, the people of ‘Amon, Edom, the kings of Tzovah and the P’lishtim. No matter which way he turned, he defeated them.”– 1 Samuel 14:47 After the victory at Mikhmas Pass, verse 47 details how Saul […]
1S14-24: Why Does God Allow The Righteous To Suffer And Die?
“But the people said to Sha’ul, ‘Must Y’honatan die, who has accomplished this great deliverance in Israel? Heaven forbid! As Adonai lives, not one hair of his head will fall to the ground; because he worked with God today!’ In this way the people rescued Y’honatan, so that he didn’t die.”-1 Samuel 14:45 Saul’s son […]
1S14-23: God’s Proven Prescription For Conquering Your Evil Inclinations
When examining Saul’s character, we need to step back and not view him as a wicked person on purpose, but as someone who was insecure, ego-driven, and a person who let his evil inclination get the better of him. The bad choices he made as the first king of Israel were because of these reasons, […]
1S14-22: How Many English Bible Translations Get This One Verse WRONG!
“Sha’ul said to Adonai the God of Israel, ‘Who is right?’ Y’honatan and Sha’ul were chosen by lot, and the people went free.” -1 Samuel 14:40 Saul’s ridiculous inquisition by lots has begun. The result of the first round declared all of Israel innocent which left only Jonathan and Saul. Then the second round of […]
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