Some people wonder, why does God rest if he doesn’t get tired? Let me answer that question with a personal example. I don’t know about you but there are many times when I don’t wait for the light to turn green before crossing the street. Even if the light is red, if no cars are […]
2-2: Jesus kept the Sabbath even in His death!
The timing of Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and resurrection is one of the strongest pieces of evidence proving that the Sabbath is on a Saturday and NOT a Sunday. Let’s take a look at the following text. The setting is immediately following the crucifixion. Jesus has just been taken down from the cross and […]
2-1: How do we know the Biblical Sabbath is a Saturday?
Today we begin teachings from Genesis Chapter 2. For the Complete Jewish Bible click here. If you’re a King James diehard, click here. Let’s start by taking a look at the following excerpt from Genesis Chapter 2. “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, along with everything in them. On the seventh day God […]
1-12: Starting your Bible studies from the NT is like watching a movie from its halfway point
I remember when the classic Spielberg movie Jaws first came out. It was a beautiful sunny day in rural Minnesota. I was about 12 years old and riding in a truck with my mom and her friends. Suddenly, in a burst of excited inspiration it was decided that we would all go and see this […]
1-11: How white supremacists use the word “Adam” to support their twisted beliefs
Hebrew is constructed using a system of “root” words. The Hebrew language takes a word, gives it a meaning, and then there are offshoots of that word that gives us different words for different uses (more similar to Chinese or Japanese in this sense I would say). However, the different words coming from the […]