When we last left off, Gideon was in the process of being chewed out by his Ephraim brethren. Remember Ephraim was the top dog tribe in the Promised Land. They wielded tremendous power and influence. A perfect case in point is to consider that Shiloh and Bethel, the two most revered and sacred places in […]
JU8-1: Expect To Arouse The Jealousy And Criticism Of Others When Engaged In God’s Work
Today we begin Judges Chapter 8. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James Version, click HERE. Let’s not forget that out of all the 12 tribes of Israel, the top dog tribe was Ephraim. This hearkens back to Jacob’s deathbed prophecy given in Genesis Chapter 49: “Yosef is a fruitful plant, […]
JU7-9: A Powerful Way To Instantly Eliminate Boredom From Your Bible Studies
“Gid‘on sent messengers through all the hills of Efrayim, with the message, “Come down and attack Midyan; and capture the rivers before they get there, as far as Beit-Barah, and also the Yarden.” So all the men of Efrayim came together and seized the rivers as far as Beit-Barah and the Yarden. They also captured […]
JU7-8: How God’s People Are To Be In A World Gone Freakin’ Nuts
“Gid‘on and the hundred men with him arrived at the edge of the camp a little before midnight, just after they had changed the guard. They blew the shofars and broke in pieces the pitchers that were in their hands.”-Judges 7:19 Picture this for a second. It’s the dead of night. You’re in a deep […]
JU7-7: Physical Destruction Always Follows Spiritual Destruction
“Gid‘on and the hundred men with him arrived at the edge of the camp a little before midnight, just after they had changed the guard. They blew the shofars and broke in pieces the pitchers that were in their hands.”-Judges 7:19 We see that Gideon had prepared a surprise attack during the nighttime. Take note […]
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