Ever wonder why the minor Judges are called “Minor Judges”? The answer is quite simple actually. It’s because there’s almost nothing written about them. Maybe 1 or 2 sentences or at most a measly paragraph. Compared to the other 7 Shophetim who have narratives stretching as long as a mile in some cases, the details […]
JU10-2: Why It’s So Darn Difficult To Come Up With A Precise Definition Of A Biblical ‘Judge’
“After him arose Ya’ir, from Gil‘ad. He judged Isra’el twenty-two years. He had thirty sons who rode on thirty young donkeys. They owned thirty cities which are called Havot-Ya’ir to this day; they are in the territory of Gil‘ad. When Ya’ir died, he was buried in Kamon.”-Judges 10:3-5 Before I talk about Ya’ir, who was […]
JU10-1: Why Attaching Your Identity To Your Race Or Country Of Birth Is A Faulty Proposition
Today we begin Judges Chapter 10. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James Version, click HERE. So right off the bat in rapid fire succession we’re introduced to 2 of the 5 so-called minor Judges Tola and Ya’ir. The detail we’re provided is scant. In Tola’s case, we’re told he saved […]
JU9-15: ‘Vengeance Is Mine; I Will Repay,’ Says The Lord
“…a woman dropped an upper millstone on Avimelekh’s head, cracking his skull. He quickly called out to the young man holding his armor, ‘Draw your sword, and finish me off, so that people won’t say a woman killed me.’ So his attendant ran him through, and he died. When the men of Israel saw that […]
JU9-14: There Are No Real Victors Among Those Who Play In The Sandbox Of Sin
“Z’vul said to him, ‘Where’s your mouth now? You said, ‘Who is Avimelekh? Why should we serve him?’ Aren’t these the people you despise? Go on out and fight them!’So Ga‘al went out, leading the men of Sh’khem, and fought Avimelekh. But Avimelekh gave chase, and Ga‘al took to flight; many fell wounded, strewn all […]
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