“Then the Spirit of Adonai came over him powerfully. He went down to Ashkelon, killed thirty of their men, took their good clothes, and gave them to the men who had “solved” the riddle. He was boiling with rage, so he went straight up to his father’s house, and his wife was given to the […]
JU14-11: Why The Girl Samson Married At Timnah Never Really Became His Wife
It’s actually a mistake to call the girl that Samson married his wife. Yeah, I know that last sentence makes about as much sense as me saying “A martian ate a purple Big Mac while reading the New York Times on Sagittarius day”. So let me explain. The Hebrew word that’s being translated into wife […]
JU14-10: How Samson’s Marriage Demonstrates The Danger Of Being Unequally Yoked With Unbelievers
Women instinctively know how to use tears as a weapon. There was a girl I used to see and when I did something she strongly disliked, she’d turn on the tears. I’d sit there as if my legs had been cut off from underneath me. It’s one of those few situations where you feel truly […]
JU14-9: Can You Solve This Biblical Riddle?
“Out of the eater came food; out of the strong came sweetness.” -Judges 14:14 So Samson lays out his riddle to his wedding guests. He tells them…“Out of the eater came food; out of the strong came sweetness”. Obviously this refers to the lion Samson tore apart and from whose body he took honey that […]
JU14-8: Two Biblical Hebrew Words You’ve Probably NEVER Heard Of…Even If You’re A Scholar
“Shimshon said to them, ‘Let me present you with a riddle. If you can solve it within the seven days of the banquet and tell me the solution, I will give you thirty linen shirts and thirty changes of good clothes. But if you can’t solve it, you give me thirty linen shirts and thirty […]
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