“Thus the P’lishtim were humbled, so that they no longer entered Israel’s territory; and the hand of Adonai was against the P’lishtim as long as Sh’mu’el lived.”-1 Samuel 7:13 Recall the God pattern of deliverance we’ve been witnessing ever since the beginning of the book of Judges. First, Israel is faithful. Then Israel falls into […]
1S7-14: Israel Defeated The Philistines By The Lord’s Grace And NOT Works
“The men of Isra’el went out from Mitzpah, pursuing the P’lishtim and attacking them all the way to Beit-Kar. Sh’mu’el took a stone, placed it between Mitzpah and Shen, and gave it the name Even-‘Ezer [stone of help], explaining, ‘Adonai has helped us until now’.”-1 Samuel 7:11-12 Alrighty, let’s get our bearings. So with supernatural […]
1S7-13: How The Biblical Definition of ‘Idolatry’ Differs From The Christian Perspective
Following on the heel’s of yesterday’s discussion, here’s another HUGE misconception the Christian world harbors concerning idolatry. They view pagans or the unbelieving world as idolaters. That’s a mistake. Why? Because you can only be an idolater unless your were once a follower of the God of Israel. See what I mean? You can’t apostatize […]
1S7-12: One Of the Biggest Misconceptions Concerning Idolatry
Wanna know one of the biggest mistakes Christians make when it comes to understanding idolatry? They think it means complete and total rejection of God… But Biblically speaking, that’s not the case… This misunderstanding even carries over to how Christians interpret the Hebrew Bible (what they call the “Old” Testament). They’ve got this mental picture […]
1S7-11: ‘Guns & Moses’ Is The Secret To Israel’s Victories On The Battlefield
“As Sh’mu’el was presenting the burnt offering, the P’lishtim advanced to attack Isra’el. But this time, Adonai thundered violently over the P’lishtim, throwing them into such confusion that they were struck down before Israel.”-1 Samuel 7:10 So the Israelites are praying and sacrificing to the Lord… And just when Samuel offered up a young lamb… […]
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