“The men of Israel saw that their options were limited and that the people felt so hard pressed that they were hiding themselves in caves, thickets, crevices, watchtowers and cisterns; while some of the Hebrews crossed the Yarden to the territory of Gad and Gil‘ad. But Sha’ul was still in Gilgal, where all the people […]
1S13-7: What Is The Correct Way To Pronounce The Messiah’s Name ישוע?
“Y’honatan assassinated the governor of the P’lishtim in Geva.“-1 Samuel 13:3 Before we go any further in our text study of 1st Samuel, I need to clear up some confusion between the two names of GEVA and GIVEAH. GEVA was where Jonathan assassinated the governor of the Philistines. However, many translators and scholars assume GEVA […]
1S13-6: Never Forget The Importance Of Prayer Before Action
“All Israel heard that Shaul had assassinated the governor of the P’lishtim and thus made Israel a stench in the nostrils of the P’lishtim. So the people rallied behind Sha’ul in Gilgal; while the P’lishtim assembled themselves together to make war on Isra’el — 30,000 chariots, 6,000 horsemen, and an army as large as the […]
1S13-5: Why The Bible Is The Only Book You Need To Succeed In Business
I wanna share an interesting anecdote with you. One time a company president who was participating in a management seminar posed the following question to the management consultant who was leading the class: “In order to be successful at managing a corporation, what should I read? There are so many books out there that I […]
1S13-4: The Importance Of Taking BOLD Action For The Kingdom Of God
“Y’honatan assassinated the governor of the P’lishtim in Geva. The P’lishtim heard of it; so Sha’ul had the shofar sounded throughout the land, saying, “Let the Hebrews hear!”-1 Samuel 13:3 Verse 3 kicks things off with a bang. We’re told that King Saul’s son Jonathan went ahead and assassinated the governor of the Philistines in […]
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