“Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, “Do not cut off the clan of K’hat from among the Levites; rather, do this for them, so that they will live and not die: when they approach the especially holy things, Aharon and his sons are to go in — and you are to assign each one his task; but the descendants of K’hat are not to go in and look at the holy things as they are being covered; if they do, they will die.”-Numbers 4:17-20
In yesterday’s post we went over how the Lord instructed the priests to carefully cover the Ark of the Covenant, the Table of Showbread, the Altar of Incense and all their accompanying tools and instruments so that their HOLINESS would be completely protected.
Now here from verse 17, we see the Lord issuing out another stern warning that the Kohathites are not even to go in and look at the HOLY things as they are being covered or they will die.
God is making it clear to Moses and Aaron that the Kohathites’ job is fraught with so much danger there is zero room for procedural carelessness, because even one careless peep at an uncovered HOLY item would be the death of that unauthorized person.
Can you see now why HASHEM insisted that only the men between the ages of 30 to 50 were allowed to do this work?
Younger men still have immature and hog wild tendencies that could cause them to do stupid things, and this could prove fatal when dealing directly with God’s HOLY things.
Let’s take a quick look at the remaining census totals of the males between the ages of 30 and 50 before moving on.
Kohathites: 2750 men
Gershonites: 2630 men
Merari Clans: 3200
Grand Total: 8580
Now again I want you to notice that foundational principle of God we saw since chapter one of Genesis when God separated darkness away from light.
Of course I’m talking about the principle of DIVISION, ELECTION, AND SEPARATION!
First, God created mankind.
Second, He divided mankind into two groups: Hebrews (or Israel) and gentiles.
Third, He divided Israel into two groups: The 12 Tribes of Israel and the Levites.
Finally, He divided the Levites into two groups: the Priests and the Non-Priests.
Now there’s an interesting question that arises at this juncture.
On what basis did God make these divisions?
Was there some special reason why God elevated some folks to be of a higher level of HOLY status than another?
Was there something inherently unique about the Tribe of Levi?
Going back to the Book of Genesis, was there something inherently special about Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob?
What did they do to merit this special election from God?
The answer is absolutely NOTHING.
There was nothing intrinsically or inherently unique, merit-worthy, or exceptional (choose your own 2-cent word here)about any of those God especially chose for SERVICE to Him.
The only thing I can say is that HASHEM for His own good reasons chose them, period.
That’s all I can say.
And isn’t it the same for believers today whether of Jewish or gentile extract?
If you’re a believer, ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself?
This is a question for honest people, not hypocrites.
Before God called you to faith in Him through Rabbi Yeshua, was there anything uniquely special about you?
Were you leading some high and lofty HOLY life that God looking down upon you from the heavens just had to choose you?
As for myself, to be perfectly honest, given all of my failings, my selfish and sinful behavior, and the scary bitterness and hatred that resided in my heart that still surfaces from time to time, I’m without a doubt probably one of the most PATHETIC HUMAN BEINGS TO EVER WALK THE PLANET…and I’m still a work in progress.
I have done nothing to earn God’s merit or favor and it is the same for every other believer on the planet.
It is only by the Grace of God that we are saved.
It has nothing to do with somehow living a better life than everybody else on the planet and it was the same for the Israelites.
And remember God chose and SAVED Israel FIRST and then He gave them the Law.
The reason behind why God chooses to save some through Yeshua is a mystery.
And the reason why God elevated Aaron and his sons above all the other Levites putting them on top of all of Israel is also a mystery.
The truth of the matter is God has CHOSEN and ELECTED Israel to be a fully set-apart nation for Him.
And this decision by definition means that the rest of the world (the GOYIM in Hebrew) have NOT been selected for this special status.
Just as the tribe of Levi was elevated above the 12 tribes of Israel, so has God elevated Israel above the gentile nations.
It is because of this FACT that in terms of HOLINESS, a Jew upon birth possesses a higher status than a gentile.
Because it is God’s Will.
Again, He did the same thing within Israel by elevating Aaron and His sons above all the Israelites.
I cannot say more than that.
Great post! Very insightful and encouraging!
Thank you
Thank you for your comment Kalani! Glad you liked this post. Stay tuned for more and SHALOM!