Yesterday, I gave a pretty in-depth explanation of the role of the GO’EL HA ADAHM or the “Blood Redeemer“.
I also connected this term to the concept of the “Kinsman Redeemer” and how the function of this person was not just to serve as a “financial savior” who provided needed funds when a piece of Israeli real estate was about to be foreclosed on but also served to avenge the blood of a relative who had been unlawfully killed.
Finally, I mentioned that the Messiah who we confess as Rabbi Yeshua MiNatzeret is also our Kinsman Redeemer.
Do you understand the implications of that last statement?
If Yeshua is our Kinsman Redeemer, then he wears the mantle of BOTH aspects of that title.
He’s NOT just the buttery, sweet maple-syrupy soft-spoken savior with a halo over his head who would never hurt a fly.
No…he’s also the avenging fierce warrior brandishing a long and very sharp sword who’s going to lead the charge at the Battle of Armageddon.
In Judaism, the mild and meek Messiah is known as Messiah Ben Yosef (the son of Joseph).
When Yeshua came the first time, it was as Messiah Ben Yosef.
And as Messiah Ben Yosef, Yeshua manifested that aspect of the Kinsman Redeemer who gives his own life to buy back a blood relative from slavery (in this case, slavery to sin and the evil one).
In Judaism, the fierce warrior king-messiah is known as Messiah Ben David.
The second time, when Yeshua returns, he’s coming back as Messiah Ben David baby!
And man, it ain’t gonna be pretty.
He’s going to perfectly fulfill the role of the DAM GA’AL or the GO’EL HA ADAHM, the Blood Avenger.
It will be his job to take out God’s wrath on those who persecuted his people (which are ONLY Israel and those grafted in to Israel).
According to the Book of Revelations, every time he swings his sword thousands of bodies are going to fall over dead and…
…the Jezreel Valley is going to fill up over three feet deep with the blood of its victims.
Are you getting this pattern?
The first time, as our Kinsman Redeemer, Yeshua purchased our souls with his own blood about 2000 years ago.
The second time he comes he will redeem our blood by taking vengeance on those who persecuted God’s people.
Yeshua answered,
“I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
-Matthew 15:24
Why is written messiah ben David baby?
Figure of speech.
I recently saw posts that seem to dat back to April 2021 where a certain Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri was named Ezekiel, the Yanuka. Later that year it seems more and more prominent Rabbis were saying thie Be’eri is Moshiach. Indeed, people were posting signs in New York saying “Messiah is here!”
Do you know of this and, if so, what do you make of it?
Never heard of him.