“But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land in which you live. And it shall come about that as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.”-Numbers 33:55-56
There is one warning from God that Israel has NEVER yet heeded to their sorrowful detriment.
What warning am I talking about?
I’m talking about the warning given in the closing verses of Numbers 33.
“But if you don’t drive out the inhabitants of the land from in front of you, then those you allow to remain will become like thorns in your eyes and stings in your sides — they will harass you in the land where you are living”.
That’s right folks.
To this day, Israel has NEVER heeded this warning.
Joshua didn’t and neither did King David.
And unfortunately, modern Israel after it returned to its homeland after a 1900-year exile still has not obeyed this divine directive the Lord set down so clearly in His Torah.
Israel still allows foreigners not properly grafted into Israel to inhabit the land.
Israel allows religions (such as Islam, Roman Catholicism and Trinitarian-worship-the-Messiah-as-God-Himself Christianity) hostile to the worship of their one true God to “coexist” alongside their worship of HASHEM.
Heck, it even gives its enemies positions in the Knesset (the governing body of Israel).
Visit secular areas such as Tel Aviv and you will experience firsthand how Israel allows and promotes both atheism and homosexuality.
This will blow your mind but Israel allows and even defends Muslims controlling the Temple grounds of HASHEM’s former dwelling place (I swear this is true).
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
I would say one of the worst sins ever is Israel giving away portions of the Promised Land to their sworn enemies in order to achieve “peace“.
Look, the Scriptures make it clear that Israel has absolutely no right to hand over land given to them by God to their enemies.
And why?
Because, Israel does NOT actually own the land, God does.
If Israel really wants to achieve peace, the solution is as simple as its implementation.
Not doing so is practically equivalent to the measures taken when we tried to appease Hitler in order to achieve “peace” during WWII.
Did it work?
No, it did NOT.
Winston Churchill recognized Hitler for who he was and realized this man HAD TO BE STOPPED DEAD IN HIS TRACKS.
No retarded “peace negotiations” or “territorial deals“.
Likewise, until Israel follows God instructions per every jot and tittle concerning the land, I’m sorry to say they are going to continue to suffer wars, terrorists and suicide bombings.
For crying out loud, would you stop trying to negotiate with people who deep down inside want to wipe your very existence off the map?!
I’m sick and tired of reading yet another article about some Palestinian terrorist who snuck into a Jewish home in the dead of night and slit the throat of some unsuspecting innocent young Jewish child.
HASHEM knew exactly what to do with these people.
His instructions are crystal clear and until they are followed, there’s always gonna be some crazy group or another hellbent on making Israel miserable.
And by the way, there’s an awesome spiritual takeaway here for us as well…and it is this: Until we secure those “territories” of our lives that God has instructed to secure, our lives are also going to continue to be miserable.
Possibly the Lord wants you to secure an area dealing of your life dealing with sexual temptation or maybe he wants you to take a good hard look at some of the people you keep company with.
Maybe He even wants you to leave your church (or conversely, maybe He wants you to join a certain group friendly to Israel).
Whatever it may be, pray on it.
Finally, one last point I’ve just gotta make before closing today’s post.
Up until now I’ve spent an extensive amount of time talking about the land on the east side of the Jordan River known as the Transjordan.
This was territory OUTSIDE of the Promised Land.
However, on the opposite side of the Jordan River, on the western side was Promised Land territory.
That’s right folks.
The land that Israel was ordered to conquer under Joshua’s leadership was the West Bank.
I’m sure that name sounds familiar to you.
It should, because that’s the land that both the Bush and Obama administration demanded of Israel they give back to their enemies.
Let’s think about something here for a sec.
Israel has paid a horrible price for over 3300 years because they refused to follow God’s clear commands concerning the West Bank and who is allowed to possess and dwell in it.
If that’s the case, how do you think God is going to treat those nations who disregard the Lord’s instructions concerning this HOLY land and side with Israel’s enemies in pressuring Israel to give up territory in the West Bank?
Do you think those nations are going to be spared God’s wrath?
Or how about the gentile church of which I’m told 50% of its population insists that Israel give up its land?
I shudder to think what is going to happen to those nations who side against Israel concerning His HOLY territory.
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