I’m about to point out what may be one of the most politically incorrect things I’ve ever pointed out on this blog.
I hesitated for a second, but then decided to heck with it.
This blog has been politically incorrect since its very inception.
In fact, the God of Israel Himself is the most politically incorrect being in the universe.
Okay, brace yourself.
Here goes.
We’ve been discussing the boundaries of the Promised Land, right?
Well, you know what?
The boundary points as defined here in Numbers 34 include practically all of modern Syria and Lebanon.
That’s right folks.
According to the Torah, the nations that currently go by the name of Lebanon and Syria, belong to the people of Israel.
The people of Syria and Lebanon are currently residing in territory promised to Abraham and his descendants (through Isaac, NOT Esau).
And you wanna know something else?
The Muslims are PAINFULLY WELL AWARE of this fact.
And of course the government of the reborn nation of Israel is also well aware of this fact even though they have yet to lay claim to Syria and Lebanon.
In fact, the Muslims know what the Torah says about who the land really belongs to probably better than most Christians and Jews.
Why do you think Syria and Lebanon absolutely despise Israel and like a bunch of crazed kamikaze suicide pilots are willing to fight to the death against the Jewish nation?
You know, it really doesn’t matter what earthly governments and institutions (including many churches) think.
The fact that the UN and politicians deny this truth MEANS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN THE HEAVENS.
HASHEM’s Will will eventually be done on earth as it has been established in the heavens.
“Yes indeed!
I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away,
not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah
— not until everything that must happen has happened.”
-Matthew 5:18
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