In my last post, I talked about how some folks have difficulty accepting that a God of love would singlehandedly order the extermination of an entire race of people.
I went on to explain that because people have difficulty accepting this harsh characteristic of God, they create this false and totally man-made doctrine that says the wrathful God of the Old Testament is different than the loving God of the New Testament.
Well, you know what?
There’s another false doctrine that many promote simply because they just cannot accept God exactly how He is portrayed in the Scriptures.
I’m talking about the various ways people attempt to humanize God.
I would have to say this is another form of both idolatry and blasphemy.
God is NOT a man and He never will be one.
In fact, human beings aren’t even in the same cosmic ballpark as God.
A finite human being is in so many ways a significantly lesser being than the infinite Creator of the Universe.
To even suggest God is like a human or that a human can in some way elevate him or herself to the status of Godhood is an insult of gargantuan proportions to the Creator.
Do you know what this attempt to humanize God is really all about?
It’s a step back to the old world of Gnosticism.
The step before that was to de-humanize humans by saying we’re the descendants of the animal kingdom instead of being created by God.
Charles Darwin and his teachings accomplished that farce pretty well I would say.
Now with the full-blown emergence of the New Age, we’re being told that God is somehow equal to humans.
There are actually many churches and pastors all over the world who have fallen for this ridiculous doctrine.
And why?
Because they realize it is more palatable to their flock to view God more as a kindly grandfather and buddy rather than who He really is, which is the Might Creator and King who is far above His creation and demands total allegiance and obedience to Him.
Do you see what’s going on here?
It’s a full frontal attack on the divine hierarchy established in Scripture which clearly says God is above man and man is above the animals.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.
This is nothing more and nothing less than modern age idolatry.
It’s no different than molding little figurines into the likeness of humans and/or animals and worshipping them.
In fact, I’m not even so sure it’s correct to say this is “modern age” idolatry.
It’s actually more like a return to the paganism of the ancient times.
Do you know what the pagans of the ancient times believed?
They believed that the Gods they worshipped were just like humans.
They needed to eat food, they had sex and procreated, they were capable of being killed, they partied and got drunk, they worried and became jealous and so on and so on.
Based on the above characteristics I just listed up, isn’t it just as plain as day that the pagan deities the ancients worshipped were just reflections of us human beings with all of their foibles and weaknesses?
And you know what else is interesting?
When one reads Scripture, one will find that every one of those characteristics I just listed up do NOT apply to the God of Israel.
Maybe one could argue that the Lord becomes “jealous” but I think that’s in a totally different sense than how we humans become jealous.
But think about some of the other characteristics.
Does God eat?
Does He have sex and procreate?
Does He worry?
Does He party and get drunk?
Not that I’m aware of.
Can He be killed?
No, and this is where the trinitarians really have a serious problem on their hands.
To assert that an eternal and omnipotent God can be killed on a cross is an absurdity of gargantuan proportions.
Again, God is NOT a human being.
He’s NOT even close to what a human being is.
This is an absolutely incredible article. I am carrying out and in depth study of Leviticus. I’m getting the overwhelming understanding how awe inspiring God is. To come into his presence we had better do it with reverence and in the exact way he prescribes.
Thanks for reading Mel. Be blessed and shalom.
God made himself man. for a time. Jesus was the man. God in the flesh.
Hi Daniel, while I respect your opinion. I don’t think that makes sense. How can an eternal God die. And honestly, I don’t even see where the Scriptures say such a thing. It says He sent His son (a separate being) to die for the sins of mankind.
If Yeshua was the almighty God as trinitarians and oneness theologians claimed, then the story of his temptation is as ridiculous as it is impossible.
Unless it was stage-managed to teach a particular moral lesson. Otherwise, how can Satan a creature be so full of himself and tell his maker; ” IF YOU WILL BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP ME”. it doesn’t make sense at all
And one thing the proponents of this doctrines forget to notice is; when the tempter approached Yeshua, he begins the conversation thus – IF YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD, not IF YOU ARE GOD. even the demons during exorcisms of the oppressed consistently address him as “THE SON OF THE MOST HIGH”, never once did any of them say – YOU ARE GOD.
Excellent points!