In my last post, I reiterated a VERY IMPORTANT point concerning Israel’s “ownership” of the Promised Land.
The point I made is that the Jewish people do NOT really own the land of Israel.
Rather, what they have is a “long-term lease” of the land of Canaan.
It is misleading to say “long-term” however, because it is an eternal contract.
Some of you may be thinking, then what the heck is the difference?
If the term of Israel’s lease contract of Canaan is eternal, then it’s pretty much the same as owning the land, right?
There is one huge difference between “owning” the land and having a contract to inhabit the land forever.
The huge difference is if you’re the owner of the land, you can pretty much do what you want to do with it, including selling the land.
On the other hand, if you are just leasing the land, you are bound to the contractual stipulations attached to the lease.
And one of those stipulations is that Israel is forbidden to give away or attempt to sell the land to outsiders or foreigners.
From a Biblical perspective, can you now see why it’s so dangerous for Israel to give up land in hopes of achieving peace with their enemies?
To do so is a brazen act of rebellion against the Lord.
It should be pretty obvious by now that all attempts by the Israeli government to appease their enemies has failed miserably.
In fact, their efforts seem to invite the opposite results of what they’d hoped for.
The more land they give up, the more emboldened their enemies become.
Remember what happened when Israel gave up the southern seacoast portion called the Gaza Strip?
Soon after they were attacked by rockets launched from Gaza.
Then not too long after that tragic event, Israel was threatened by their enemies residing in the north.
The reason why these attempts at peace have failed is because the Israeli government is attempting to give something up they don’t own.
They are literally breaking a non-negotiable command in Torah by attempting to give away parts of their land to their enemies for peace.
The Israeli people have the eternal and divine right to reside in Canaan forever, but what they do NOT have is the right to hand over even one square millimeter of God’s divine real estate to their enemies.
Because they don’t own the land.
HASHEM does and He decides who is to live in the land and how the land is to be used.
In addition, governments of gentile nations are in rebellion against the Creator of the universe when they pressure Israel to adopt some kind of retarded 2-state solution.
From a Biblical perspective, there can be nothing more disastrous than to create a Palestinian state on territory God has only leased to the Hebrew people.
I shiver just thinking about such a satanic proposition.
I find it interesting and actually quite hypocritical of those Christians who in one breath express horror about the end times prophecy that predicts after the 3rd Temple is built, the Anti-Christ will enter the Holy of Holies and demand he be worshipped as God while at the same promoting a 2-state solution that would invite Israel’s enemies to live on land that has been given only to Israel.
Those who claim allegiance to the God of Israel should NEVER be party to such a plan.
It matters not what manmade governments think.
The only thing that matters is standing on the covenants the Lord has made with His People, covenants that are unbreakable, non-negotiable and stand for all eternity.
So getting back to the case of Zelophehad and his five daughters, the very reason for the new amendment to God’s Torah concerning land inheritance is to maintain the principle that land given to a specific Hebrew family is to stay within that family.
That’s why it was considered ideal for the land to be passed on to a son, because it was the son who kept the family name alive.
When a daughter married, her identity was transferred to the name of her husband’s family.
Next time we’ll deal with the thorny issue of what happened when a Hebrew girl married a foreigner.
Great comment Richoka.. Isreal’s enemies are satanically relentless to take over their eternal lease with the almighty! There is “no” two state solution..