Yesterday I pondered the question of why God would allow Israel to use what was essentially a divining tool, the Urim and Thummim.
The best answer I could give was that God sometimes adopts even the pagan things from the cultures we were born into and raised up in before coming into a relationship with Him.
Understand that when God handed down the Torah on Mount Sinai to the Hebrews, he had essentially provided these people who were fresh out of Egypt with a blueprint to the Kingdom of Heaven.
However, there was a practical problem.
Although Israel possessed the blueprints to the Kingdom of Heaven, so entrenched were they in their Egyptian ways of thinking and doing things, that there was no way they would have been able to overnight implement God’s heavenly instructions.
And isn’t it the same with us when we first became believers?
Living a Godly life according to HASHEM’s blueprints is a gradual process of growth that could very well take a whole lifetime.
That is why God is so patient with us and reveals His Will to us at a pace at which we can readily absorb it.
The transition from “milk to meat” metaphor often used is most apt here.
God will NOT give us meat until our bodies are ready to handle it.
The problem is some of us should have graduated from drinking only milk to nourish our spiritual bodies a long time ago.
Do you know what I find amazing?
About 3,300 years ago the pagan sorcerer Balaam and the Moabite Ruth understood and even proclaimed that if gentiles wanted to be included in God’s blessing of mankind it would have to be done through the Abrahamic Covenant.
They recognized in some way that they would have to be grafted in to Israel.
Yet this truth which was realized by Balaam and Ruth over 3,300 years ago is only now just in its beginning stages of being understood by the gentile Church.
Yet even saying that is still being quite charitable as really only a tiny segment of the Church is beginning to understand this truth of God’s Word.
Nevertheless, God has made it clear in His Word that any relationship with Him has to be based on the covenants THAT HE HAS ONLY MADE WITH ISRAEL.
Yet in spite of what should have been a crystal clear truth, only a few years after the death and resurrection of Yeshua, the Church created doctrines denying this very thing!!
However, in our day and age a revolution has begun.
Today, with the return of the Jews to their God-given land, a movement has begun all over the world to undo this errant theology that has sought to separate Yeshua from his people and the Torah for which he stood.
In the Lord’s good timing, may the blindness that has affected millions be lifted.
What a load of absolute rubbish. Read Galatians and leave the circumcision group posthaste! Don’t you realize that the New Testament authors wrote in Greek? And if you deny this you have to concede that they quoted from the LXX – the Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures. So what’s your obsession with the law and calling Jesus “Yeshua”? You’d fool the elect if that were possible… thank Jesus it’s not.
I fail to see how this comment is relevant to this post. Be blessed and Shalom.
I understand and agree that the Church has done and is still doing much damage to YHWH’s Word. But if I took your stance, I think I might be giving Judaism a pass for no other reason than it’s Jewish. That would make me a hypocrite, because both Xtianity and Judaism have done and are still doing damage to YHWH’s Word.
Wouldn’t disagree. Thanks for your comment.