“But Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, ‘Because you did not trust in me, so as to cause me to be regarded as holy by the people of Israel, you will not bring this community into the land I have given them.'”-Numbers 20:12
In verse 12 of Numbers Chapter 20, the Hebrew word being used for “holy” is KADASH or KODESH in a different form.
Instead of “holy“, some English translations may used the word “sanctified” instead.
Do you recall what I told you about the word KADASH or KODESH in an earlier post?
As a direct or literal translation, it does NOT mean HOLY.
KADASH or KODESH only means HOLY if used in that context.
Got it?
Literally KADASH just means “to separate” or “to set apart“.
Like for example, the other day after doing the dishes I was “separating” the forks from the knives.
That’s literally what the word means.
God wanted to make clear to the Moses, Aaron and whole congregation of Israel that He stood ALONE, that He was ONE, that He was DISTINCT, and that there was no other being like Him.
The problem with Moses and Aaron was that they were attempting to show THEMSELVES as separate, distinct and apart from Israel.
They were trying to show that they themselves possessed the powers of God, powers that were reserved for God alone.
Since they didn’t give God proper credit for the miracle of the water pouring forth from the rock, God had no choice but to judge them by saying “…you will not bring this community into the land I have given them!“
In this incident, Moses and Aaron were guilty of misrepresenting God.
Do you wanna know what a perfect modern example of this is?
Those ridiculous TV pastors who are always asking for money during their broadcasts.
It’s bizarre comedy of gargantuan proportions.
These guys will announce to millions of people that if they will send in “seed money” of $100 or even $1000, that he has the power to pray to God and get them a 3-fold or in some cases a 10-fold return on their initial investment.
Are you kidding me?
These TV preachers are literally saying they have the spiritual power to control God and I believe in due time they will pay sorely for this misrepresentation of the Almighty.
Just as Moses and Aaron paid a steep price for making themselves out to be sorcerers in front of the people.
Which is the most important
commandment of them all?”
Yeshua answered,
“The most important is,
‘Sh’ma Yisra’el, Adonai Eloheinu,
Adonai echad
[Hear, O Isra’el,
the Lord our God, the Lord is one],
and you are to love Adonai your God
with all your heart, with all your soul,
with all your understanding
and with all your strength.’
-Mark 12:28-29
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