Today is Part Two of a mini-series titled “What Your Pastor Never Taught You About Holiness (Because He Has No Idea)“.
So what did we learn last time?
We learned that not everyone or everything was created for HOLINESS.
We also learned that not everyone or everything was created to receive the same degree of HOLINESS.
Those people or things not created for HOLINESS have no business receiving it.
And those who are permitted to receive ONLY a certain level of HOLINESS are forbidden from accidentally receiving more, lest they risk being destroyed.
Understanding this is so important.
These principles explain why God’s HOLINESS has to be carefully guarded at all costs.
Armed with this new knowledge, the Scripture should now come alive to you in so many ways it hasn’t before.
I’m serious.
With this knowledge, if you’re a gentile believer, you have just separated yourself from 99.9% of the other gentile believers out there including probably a good majority of the pastors when it comes to understanding God’s HOLINESS protocol as defined in Torah.
Of course, if you’re Jewish and have had a proper Shabbat school education, to you this is just Torah 101 and you’re probably thinking to yourself “Tell me something I don’t know brother“.
Let’s examine a few Scripture verses in light of this new knowledge we’ve acquired.
“This is the place where the priests will boil the guilt offerings and sin offerings and bake the grain offerings. In this way they won’t have to bring them into the outer courtyard and risk transmitting holiness to the people.”-Ezekiel 46:20
Notice the part “…and risk transmitting holiness to the people“.
Here we see clearly that a distinction is made between the Priests and the common Israelites and how careful attention must be paid to ensure that that God’s HOLINESS is NOT acquired by anyone unauthorized to acquire it.
Let’s take a look at another set of verses from the TANACH (or Old Testament but man I HATE using the term the “Old Testament”).
“Every pot in Jerusalem and Judah will be holy to the Lord Almighty, and all who come to sacrifice will take some of the pots and cook in them. And on that day there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the Lord Almighty.”-Zechariah 14:21
This is interesting.
Do you remember what happens when sacrificial meat is cooked in a cooking pot?
The HOLY meat transmits its HOLINESS to the pot.
As a result, afterwards the pot either had to be thoroughly washed if it was made out of metal or completely destroyed if it was made out of clay (because clay is porous).
This was the usual state of things in Israel but Zechariah is foreseeing and talking about a time when God’s HOLINESS protocols will be reversed.
In these verses Zechariah is speaking of a future when Israel will be purged of gentiles and HOLINESS will be universal.
Every Israelite will be entitled to the same degree of HOLINESS that up until that point in time only the priests were entitled to.
In other words, during this Golden Age it will be perfectly fine if HOLINESS is transmitted from the pot to common foods and it will be okay to eat it.
The dangerous radioactive nature so to speak of the HOLINESS will be gone.
Let’s take a look at some famous verses from the New Testament that we should now be able understand in a new light.
“If the part of the dough offered
as firstfruits is holy,
then the whole batch is holy;
if the root is holy,
so are the branches.”
-Romans 11:16
Paul is saying if the batch of dough is HOLY, then the entire batch is HOLY.
He then says, if the root of the tree is HOLY, so are the branches grafted into that tree.
Why is this so?
Because of everything we’ve been talking about until now.
HOLINESS is contagious and can be transmitted by contact.
This is an unchangeable spiritual law you can bet your eternal life on.
Get this concept firmly embedded into the deepest recesses of your cranium.
If you’re a gentile, I bet you’ve never really understood those verses of Paul up until now.
The reason is because the New Testament assumes its audience already has a solid grounding and understanding of Torah.
That’s why I’m always saying one shouldn’t even open up the New Testament until they’ve read AND UNDERSTOOD the Torah.
In addition, a good majority of Paul’s audience were probably Jews anyway, so it wasn’t necessary for him to explain first-grade level Torah basics to his audience.
Let’s take a look at one other verse in the New Testament that actually makes reference to one of the most famous scenes in the TANACH.
But the Lord said to him,
‘Take off the sandals from your feet,
for the place on which you are
standing is holy ground‘
-Acts 7:33
A lot of people assume that God demanded Moses to remove his sandals to show proper respect.
While such an assumption is not completely off, the real concern we’re dealing with here is the danger of Moses’ sandals acquiring HOLINESS from the holy ground he was standing on.
If that happened, when Moses went back to his dwelling place wearing his sandals, he would have transmitted unauthorized holiness all over the place and that would have been a big no-no.
So as you can see, protecting God’s HOLINESS is a very serious matter.
Whenever the gentile believer with zero foundational training in Torah comes across the literally tons of references about the HOLINESS of the believer in the New Testament, the truth is he really doesn’t understand what he’s reading.
What the church ends up doing is just allegorizing or spiritualizing the verses concerning HOLINESS in the NT.
However, you who are reading this no longer have that problem because now you do have the foundation to understand.
You have just graduated from drinking milk to eating meat.
Thank you for giving me the “skim” milk of the word my brother.. keep up the good work of God! Oh also I agree with you .. why should I tackle the New Testament for now other than I love the stories in there too, especially about messiah.. of course Jesus is in all the books from beginning to revelation.. how does a gentile begin studying the Torah? I mean I have my own New Testament church I attend on sundays where could I go to be taught the Torah as a biblical foundation leading up to better understanding the New Testament.. thank you!
Thanks for reading and your encouraging feedback Rinny. In answer to your question “how does a gentile begin studying Torah?”. Well, the simple answer is to get a good commentary and just begin studying it starting from Genesis Chapter One. Why not start with my blog which I think is perfect for beginners! Also is there not a Jewish synagogue or even a Messianic Synagogue in your area? I pray that HASHEM will bring you into all Truth.
That makes more sense to me NOW than if a preacher in a gentile church has ever clearly defined the GOSPLE. Than you so very much for the hidden insight
Thanks for reading Jeremy. I’m really hoping that this “hidden” insight will not stay hidden. Shalom.
Is this why Yeshua did not permit the disciples to touch him after he resurrected?