Let’s get our bearings of where we’re at in the Book of Numbers.
God has just destroyed the rebels of Israel via two horrifying methods.
FIRST, He annihilated Korah and the 250 tribal leaders who joined him by fire.
SECOND, He caused an earthquake that opened a huge split in the earth which swallowed up Datan, Aviram and their followers.
It’s very important to understand the lesson behind why Korah, Datan and Aviram were destroyed.
Why is this so important?
Because it reveals the number one stumbling block the entire human race faces to this very day.
On the surface, it would appear that the rebellion was all about petty jealousies centered around a group of men who wanted to unseat Moses and Aaron and take their positions for themselves.
However, underneath, we’re dealing with a much more serious (and dangerous) mindset that plagues the whole human race to this day.
Here’s the issue I’m talking about.
In rebelling against Moses and Aaron, Korah, Datan, and Aviram were denying their need for a mediator in order to gain access to HASHEM.
Moses and Aaron combined were both Mediator and High Priest.
Now let me ask you a question.
Who is our mediator AND our High Priest today?
That’s right.
It’s Yeshua.
The same issue of rebellion that existed in the hearts of Korah, Datan, and Aviram is very much alive today.
It’s only who the object of rebellion is that’s different.
In Korah’s time, Noah and Aaron combined were the object of rebellion.
In our day and age, Yeshua is the object of rebellion.
People will say almost anything to justify why they don’t need a mediator.
“I’m basically a good person.”
“I’ve never killed anyone in my life.”
“I’ve been a faithful tither all of my life”…
“We don’t need to go through a mediator!
All we have to do is pray directly to HASHEM!”
…and so on and on.
Essentially what everybody is saying is that I’ve done more good things than bad things in my life, so when all of my deeds are tallied up, I’ll get into heaven.
Those who accepted God’s chosen mediators in Moses’ day were saved.
And those who accept God’s mediator in our day is saved.
But unfortunately, a good portion of the human race, both Jews and gentiles, have committed the sin of Korah, Datan and Aviram.
They are declaring that we can go directly to the Father and that we don’t need a mediator.
They are saying we can be HOLY on our own.
Even after God destroyed Korah, Datan, Aviram and the rebels, the extent of the people’s disillusionment was scary.
They blamed Moses and Aaron, even in spite of the fact that these two men had gotten down on their knees and pleaded to God to have mercy on the rebels because they knew not what they were doing.
The people’s rebellious mindset had remained firmly intact and thus God was going to have to teach them another lesson.
Yeshua said,
“I am the Way —
and the Truth and the Life;
no one comes to the Father
except through me.”
-John 14:6
“Therefore let all Israel be assured of this:
God has made this Yeshua,
whom you crucified,
both Lord and Messiah.”
-Acts 2:36
“…but we preach Messiah crucified:
a stumbling block to Jews
and foolishness to Gentiles,”
-1 Corinthians 1:23
yah its true in our day life even people are still thinking that they are more superior than the Messiah