“But when the cloud was removed from above the tent, Miryam had tzara‘at, as white as snow. Aharon looked at Miryam, and she was as white as snow. Aharon said to Moshe, “Oh, my lord, please don’t punish us for this sin we committed so foolishly.“-Numbers 12:10-11
Let’s quickly recall where we’re at.
At the beginning of Chapter 11, Miriam and Aaron began criticizing Moses starting by picking on his Ethiopian wife which then led to them questioning Moses’s authority.
God gets angry at Miriam and Aaron for rebelling against His Chosen Servant Moses and tells all three of them to come out to the Tent of Meeting.
Next God descends in a column of cloud and makes it clear to Miriam and Aaron that Moses is unique and they shouldn’t even think about questioning Moses’ authority.
When the cloud of God departs, we’re told Miriam had been stricken with TZARA-AT (a skin affliction) and that her skin had become as white as snow.
Now take a good look at verse 11 because here we’re introduced to yet another Messiah Pattern established in Moses.
“Aharon said to Moshe, ‘Oh, my lord, please don’t punish us for this sin we committed so foolishly.'”
This is interesting.
Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, all three of them, were standing in the presence of God.
Yet in spite of this, Aaron turns to Moses, addresses him as “Lord” and pleads forgiveness.
Are you noticing an interesting pattern here?
Isn’t this exactly how we are to approach Yeshua?
We are to approach him as “Lord” (meaning one of elevated authority) and beg forgiveness that our sins not be counted against us.
Right here, at this point, Aaron had come to a very important realization!
He finally now understood the special authority God had given to Moses and had altered his behavior in accordance with this new and astounding revelation!
A few moments ago he was rebelling against God’s Chosen Servant, but in a 180 degree turn around was now bowing down towards Moses, addressing him as “Lord”, and begging forgiveness from God.
Understand this is totally different than asking another human being we have offended to forgive us.
No, Aaron was asking Moses to forgive him and Miriam on behalf of the Almighty.
He now finally understood Moses’ incredible position as HASHEM’s appointed Mediator and Intercessor!
Another important thing to note is that it was NOT Moses who would be doing the forgiving.
Aaron realized that only the Father could forgive their sins in this situation but more importantly, he also realized that in order to get to God, he had to go through Moses!
At this point in Biblical history, all authority had been given to Moses.
Whatever Moses decided or whatever decision he made, it was with the full backing, power and authority of ABBA in heaven.
Yeshua is the mediator by which we have access to our Father in Heaven.
God’s Chosen Mediator is NOT the source of God’s power and authority.
God’s Chosen Mediator is the conduit to access God’s power and authority.
Big difference folks!
Remember Yeshua taught us that we are to pray to “Our Father who art in Heaven…“.
Yes, it is true that Yeshua wielded the power and authority of the Father, but Yeshua is NOT the Father.
When Yeshua said “I and my Father are one in the same“, he was referring to the authority and power that had been given to him by God.
He wasn’t claiming to be some deity who had suddenly morphed into a man like the T1000 liquid metal terminator from the Terminator 2 movie who morphs into the exact resemblance of different human beings in that movie (Great flick by the way!).
Why is this so darn difficult for some people to understand?
“Yeshua said,
‘I AM the Way —
and the Truth and the Life;
no one comes to the Father
except through me.‘”
-John 14:6
“Yeshua came and talked with them.
He said,
‘All authority in heaven
and on earth
has been given to me.'”
-Matthew 28:18
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