“But it isn’t that way with my servant Moshe. He is the only one who is faithful in my entire household.”-Numbers 12:7
Let’s talk a little more about Moses.
There’s a reason why he is so revered in Judaism.
The reason is because Moses was given the unprecedented privilege of serving HASHEM in a direct manner.
And the Almighty Himself communicated to Moses in a DIRECT manner.
It wasn’t like this when God was dealing with prophets.
When God established a prophet, it was done in a kind of esoteric or clairvoyant manner by giving the prophet visions or speaking to him in a dream.
In other words, with prophets God spoke to the UNCONSCIOUS mind of the chosen individual.
Not so with Moses.
With Moses, God spoke to him directly in a conscious manner.
With Moses and God, the gap between the physical and the spiritual was almost indistinguishable.
Moses engaged in a 2-way dialogue with the Almighty just like a conversation you might have with a good friend.
This is really amazing if you think about it.
Moses was able to offer up suggestions to God, ask for a more detailed explanation if he didn’t clearly understand something, and pick God’s brain on a variety of topics.
I’m talking about a full-blown 2-way conversation where one party says one thing and the other party replies and so on.
Don’t get me wrong.
I’m not saying Moses was on the same level with God (no human is) but the nature of their relationship was such that Moses could persuade God to do or not do something.
Imagine that, God could be at times be swayed by Moses.
Study carefully all of the interactions Moses has with God and you’ll see that sometimes God gave in to Moses.
Moving on, God speaking about Moses says, “He is the only one who is faithful in my entire household“.
Okay, so who is the Lord’s entire household?
The answer should be obvious.
The Lord’s household is Israel and ONLY Israel.
It is only Israel that has been established as a nation set apart for God.
And at this point in Biblical history, it is Moses who has been placed in charge of God’s household.
One interesting point I want to mention is that even though Moses was elevated above all Israel, he was never treated as an object of worship.
In spite of being divided, elected, and separated away from all other men, Moses was still just a flesh and blood man just like you and me.
He was a man who God declared to be a master of His Household
This reminds me of Joseph in Egypt.
Just as Joseph bore the power and authority of Pharaoh in Egypt, so to does Moses bear God’s authority and power in the Lord’s Household which is Israel.
However, just because pharaoh served as the AGENT of authority for Pharaoh does NOT mean he was Pharaoh himself.
And just because Moses served as the AGENT of authority for God does NOT mean he was God Himself.
This is why Moses was NOT worshipped.
Understand that this establishes the pattern for that other great servant to come named Yeshua who was a chosen AGENT of God.
Understand I said an AGENT of God, absolutely NOT the Father Himself.
There is another pattern established here in Numbers 12 that we would be remiss to overlook.
God makes it clear to Aaron and Miriam that Moses is utterly unique.
As His specially chosen servant, it is he who is to be in charge of God’s household.
And this is by divine fiat.
There is no election to be held or votes be tallied.
God divided, elected, and separated and that was that.
Now notice this other extremely important pattern established here in Scripture.
God does not take kindly to those who rebel against His anointed mediators or agents.
Just as Aaron and Miriam were severely reprimanded for rebelling against God’s Chosen Servant, so will we be if rebel against the One Servant He has chosen to represent Himself in these final days.
“You heard me tell you,
‘I am leaving, and
I will come back to you.’
If you loved me,
you would have been glad
that I am going to the Father;
because the Father is greater than I.”
-John 14:28
“Yeshua said,
“Do not hold on to me,
for I have not yet ascended to the Father.
Go instead to my brothers and tell them,
‘I am ascending to my Father
and your Father,
to my God and your God.‘”
-John 20:17
“Yeshua gave them this answer:
“Very truly I tell you,
the Son can do nothing by himself;
he can do only what he sees his Father doing,
because whatever the
Father does the Son also does.”
-John 5:19
People who limit their Canon to just The Torah like to say inherently no other Prophet can equal Moses. Forgetting the Prophecy in Deuteronomy 18.
Most Christians see the Prophet like Unto Moses as only referring to Jesus.
However there are passages that implies Samuel was a Prophet like Moses.