In my last post, I discussed the correct pronunciation of the Father’s Name YHVH and came to the conclusion that Y-H-V-H should have at least three syllables.
Hence, a more precise rendering of this word should be YEH-HO-VEH.
Now next to the Father, if there is another word that suffers just as much identity confusion, it has got to be the son’s name.
In tackling this thorny issue, let’s start at a point of scholarly consensus.
Understand that in Hebrew, the Messiah’s name is IDENTICAL to the name of Moses’ successor who went on to take the Promised Land.
That’s right.
In Hebrew, Yeshua and Joshua are spelled exactly the same.
Yeshua is just a contraction of Joshua.
And there’s an awesome Scriptural pattern here for all of us to see.
Joshua was commissioned to take the Promised Land, and to a degree he succeeded but he didn’t complete the job.
If he had succeeded and completely driven the non-Israelites out of the land like he should have according to YHVH’s command, we wouldn’t have a Middle Eastern crisis on our hands at the moment.
I, myself, who am currently blogging at a Cafe in Jerusalem wouldn’t freak out every time I come across a stray bag sitting besides me because I’m afraid it might contain a bomb that when detonated will blow my legs off.
See, here’s the thing.
Joshua was commissioned to take the Promised Land but he didn’t complete the job.
However, when Yeshua returns, he will finish the job.
See the pattern.
Two anointed men of God with the SAME NAME appointed to undertake the SAME MISSION.
It’s always all about the patterns established in Scripture folks.
Let’s move on to the $64,000 question.
Did the name Jesus name originate from the Greek god Zeus?
The answer is NO.
The word “Jesus” is the product of a long transliteration process.
First, we started with the original Hebrew Y’HOSHUA.
Second, Y’HOSHUA was shortened to Y’SHUA.
Third, Y’SHUA was transliterated into Greek.
Fourth, Y’SHUA was transliterated into Latin.
Finally, Y’SHUA was transliterated into English which is where we get “Jesus“.
I hear people saying that the word “Jesus” is invalid because there is no “J” in Hebrew but I never hear them complaining about other Biblical names that start with “J” like Joseph for example.
The truth is over time and through different languages, the pronunciation and sounds of words evolve.
Here’s a quick snapshot look at how the name of the Messiah evolved:
–IESHUA (In Greek, ‘IE’ sound was similar to YE)
-IESHUA (Greek didn’t have a letter for AYIN)
-IESOU (Greek also didn’t have letter for the Hebrew SHIN)
-IESOUS (The ‘S’ was added because in Greek names normally end in ‘S’)
-IESUS (The KJV translators decided to drop the ‘O’ from IESOUS)
-JESUS (Modern English replaced the ‘I’ with the ‘J’)
Another reason Jesus could not have come from Zeus is that Zeus begins with the Greek letter ZETA.
However, there is no ZETA or Z sound in the English transliteration “Jesus“
So I don’t think the name “Jesus” is of the devil or pagan in its origins.
However, I will say this.
It is a heck of a long way from the original name the Messiah was called by when he preached in the streets of Jerusalem.
I don’t think Yeshua would have recognized the word “Jesus” as being his name.
Ultimately, here is where I stand on this issue.
If we know and can easily say the Messiah’s true name as it was pronounced in Hebrew, why not use that name?
In other words, why not use the name “Yeshua“?
When we use his true and historical given Hebrew name, it brings us closer to the people to whom he was sent, the Jewish people.
I would say it also helps us bridge the gap between Jewish and Gentile believers and brings us closer to realizing that vision of one new body in Messiah comprised of both Gentile and Jewish believers.
Given that Yeshua is easy to say out loud and is his historical given name, I would like to propose that we all use his Hebrew name YESHUA which means salvation.
Published in Jerusalem, Israel on Sunday, August 13th, 2017 at Ben Ami Cafe
So.. was it Y’HOSHUA? Or was it Y’shua?
And if it was Y’hosua, is the H sounded as H. or the gutteral ch?
Both depending on how fast the word was uttered and how the speaker heard it.
All the best research and linguistic evidence shows Yahweh as Father’s Name, Yeshua as the Son’s Name. See links below.
Thanks for sharing. But I stand by my position for the time being.