L-INTRO-1: Why Leviticus is one of the least understood books in the Bible
L-INTRO-2: The Godly Principle of SEPARATION & DIVISION takes center stage in Leviticus
L-INTRO-3: Minus understanding Leviticus, you will NEVER grasp the depths of Yeshua’s sacrifice
L-INTRO-4: Yeshua did NOT do away with the sacrificial system, He TRANSFORMED it!
L-INTRO-5: In ancient Israel, EVERY PERSON played a priestly role
L-INTRO-6: All false religions have their origin in the holiness system God first gave to Adam
L-INTRO-7: Why scholars who doubt the authenticity of LEVITICUS should be doubted
L-INTRO-8: Why were the Samaritans so despised during Yeshua’s time?
L-INTRO-9: The BIGGEST ERROR churches make concerning the Levitical sacrificial system
L-INTRO-10: What Paul REALLY MEANT when he said the ‘CURSES OF THE LAW’
L-INTRO-11: This crucial point will help you greatly understand Paul’s NT writings on the Law
L-INTRO-12: The REAL REASON Paul said the sacrificial system was inferior to Yeshua’s sacrifice
L-INTRO-13: Why most people have no idea what ‘WE’RE NO LONGER UNDER THE LAW’ means
L-INTRO-14: The Passover Sacrifice was not really part of the Mosaic Law
L-INTRO-15: A final recap before we dive into the text of Leviticus!
L1-1: How the Lord makes a distinction between THE LAW and the SACRIFICIAL SYSTEM
L1-2: Why a LITERAL translation is sometimes better than a FUNCTIONAL translation
L1-3: The size of one’s sacrificial offering had NOTHING to do with ‘BIG’ or ‘LITTLE’ sins
L1-4: Understanding the true meaning and context of ‘LAYING ON HANDS’
L1-5: In ancient Israel, the common man was an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in the sacrificial procedures
L1-6: Abraham’s son Isaac was offered up as a BURNT OFFERING-the 1st Levitical sacrifice
L1-7: Understanding this ONE POINT about holiness will solve many Scriptural mysteries
L2-1: How the KJV is totally WRONG in calling one of the Levitical offerings a ‘MEAT’ sacrifice
L2-2: Nothing containing leaven, which symbolizes sin, was ever to be burnt on the Brazen Altar
L2-3: Why was frankincense added to the MINCHAH or Grain Offering?
L2-4: Why did the Lord command that salt be added to ALL the sacrificial offerings?
L2-5: The meaning of tasteless salt being good for nothing but to be trampled on by men
L2-6: The assumption that leaven represents sin is not really supported in the Bible
L2-7: Why did the Lord prohibit honey to be used on the sacrificial offerings?
L2-8: If part of the firstfruits dough offered is holy, then the whole batch is holy!
L2-9: If Yeshua paid for ALL our sins, why do ask forgivingness for our sins daily?
L2-10: The REAL REASON why there are similarities between all world religions
L3-1: Understanding the true meaning of the word SHALOM
L3-2: The key DIFFERENCES & SIMILARITIES between the PEACE and BURNT offerings
L3-3: Does the Bible prohibit eating the juicy and delicious fat from our meats?
L3-4: Why won’t we find the term ‘PEACE OFFERING’ or ZEVAH in the NT?
L3-5: Understanding how the ZEVAH was used as a ‘Confession Offering’
L3-6: Understanding how the ZEVAH was used as a ‘Vow Offering’
L3-7: Understanding how the ZEVAH was used as a ‘Free-will Offering’
L3-8: Why Mormonism is WRONG when it asserts God was once a man like us
L3-9: How the first 3 Levitical sacrifices atone for our corrupt natures before a Holy God
L3-10: The connection between the first 3 Levitical sacrifices and Yeshua’s death
L4-1: Why the term ‘SIN OFFERING’ is a misleading translation
L4-2: The BIGGEST PROBLEM with how the modern church teaches the Bible
L4-3: The Purification Offering shows us how sin is like an infectious disease
L4-4: When the High Priest sinned, ALL of Israel bore the guilt
L4-5: The 2 different Hebrew words used for ‘BURNING” you’ve just got to know
L4-6: The mind-blowing connection between Yeshua’s sacrifice and the Purification Offering
L4-7: How the Purification Offering tells us the CORRECT location of Yeshua’s crucifixion
L4-8: After the High Priest, the sins committed by corporate Israel were the most serious
L4-9: God’s justice system is NOT man’s justice system
L4-10: The BIG significance of that little phrase ‘BEFORE THE LORD’
L4-11: The church is practically unanimous in its MISUNDERSTANDING of this verse!
L4-12: Leviticus blows apart the false teaching that all sins are the same before God
L4-13: Are the members of a congregation responsible for the sins of its leaders?
L5-1: If you see a friend stealing, should you report him or her to the authorities?
L5-2: Is a person who has never heard the Gospel still guilty in God’s eyes?
L5-3: The reason Yeshua spoke against vow making
L5-4: Why it’s WRONG to accuse the ancient Hebrews of ‘Mechanical Legalism’
L5-5: How to properly understand the concept of taking the Bible ‘LITERALLY’
L5-6: Why the term ‘GUILT OFFERING’ is a misleading translation
L5-7: What is a sin ‘in regard to the HOLY THINGS OF ADONAI’?
L5-8: The REAL REASON why Yeshua in a rage overturned the tables of the moneychangers
L5-9: The difference between ‘MAKING REPARATIONS’ and ‘PAYING A PENALTY’
L5-10: Sin and atonement is NOT something that can be neatly summed up in 4 Spiritual laws
L5-11: Have you ever felt tremendous guilt in your soul but didn’t know why?
L5-12: Committing a sin and lying about it is MORE SERIOUS than the sin itself
L5-13: A QUICK REVIEW of the five Levitical sacrifices we have studied so far
L5-14: Comparing the Levitical Sacrificial System to a modern day insurance program
L6-1: How the ritual procedures for PRIESTS were different than for COMMON WORSHIPPERS
L6-2: Believers today are God’s Holy Property as the sacrificial animals were in ancient Israel
L6-3: What highly successful people have in common with the Levitical burnt offerings
L6-4: Why did the priest change his garments before transporting the Burnt Offering ashes?
L6-5: Paul saying DO NOT QUENCH THE SPIRIT was an analogy pointing to the Brazen Altar Fire
L6-6: The sacrifices were classified into different categories based on their level of holiness
L6-7: Only a blood descendant of Aaron is qualified to be a priest!
L6-8: The number one and actually ONLY REASON why we need to be saved
L6-9: The Priests could only partake of the offerings provided by common worshippers
L6-10: Anything that touches God’s holiness which is not in a holy state IS DESTROYED!
L7-1: A modern day pastor is NOT the equivalent of a Levitical Priest
L7-2: Like the Holy Place and Holy of Holies, there are Holy Offerings and Most Holy Offerings
L7-3: The New Testament depicts Paul as a Torah-observant Jew
L7-4: More Scriptural evidence that uncleanness is CONTAGIOUS!
L7-5: Blood was, and remains, the only means of atonement God will accept
L7-6: If Yeshua fulfilled the Levitical sacrificial system, why will the 3rd Temple be built?
L7-7: What is the WAVE OFFERING before Adonai?
L8-1: What Calvin CORRECTLY observed about the Levitical rituals
L8-2: The real meaning of ‘I have not come to destroy the Law but fulfill it’
L8-3: The TORAH is the ONE AND ONLY document that defines sin and its consequences
L8-4: What the Lord really meant when He said ‘I prefer obedience to sacrifice’
L8-5: The Torah was NEVER a vehicle designed to save mankind
L8-6: The very men who committed the Golden Calf rebellion would become Israel’s holy priests
L8-7: One has to be cleansed BEFORE serving the God of the Universe
L8-8: The Tabernacle was unfit for service to God until purified by sacrificial blood
L8-9: There is no other god but the God of Israel who can make men clean
L8-10: Defilement can happen in an instant, but becoming pure takes time
L8-11: What Paul really meant when he said Christ is better than the Law
L9-1: Why Moses is so highly revered by Jews to this day
L9-2: Why we ought to specially mark Leviticus 9 in our Bibles
L9-3: The one Hebrew word that links the first priestly sacrifices to the Golden Calf incident
L9-4: Minus YHVH’s presence in the Tabernacle, it was nothing but an expensive tent
L9-5: The NATURE of men is a separate issue than the BEHAVIOR of men
L9-6: The awesome connection between Sinai and the inauguration of Israel’s Priesthood
L10-1: The idea that God changed to a tolerant and all-merciful God in the NT is FALSE!
L10-2: Those who are NEAR to God are held to a higher standard than those who are not
L10-3: What was the exact nature of the offense Nadav and Avihu committed?
L10-4: Why was the Lord so severe in how He dealt with Nadav and Avihu?
L10-5: The real Torah-based reason why God killed Ananias and Sapphira in the Book of Acts
L10-6: There is nothing more unnatural in God’s Kingdom than death
L10-7: Does the Bible forbid drinking alcohol in all circumstances?
L10-8: Why didn’t the Lord kill Eleazar and Ithamar for their violation of holy food?
L10-9: Moses is unique in all Biblical history because when he spoke, it was as if God spoke
L11-1: The Hebrew diet was a central part of living a pure and holy life
L11-2: Four TRUTHS you should have been taught when you were born again, but weren’t
L11-3: What constitutes CLEAN & UNCLEAN and HOLY & COMMON are NOT defined in the NT
L11-4: The mechanics of God’s grace have NOT changed from the OT to the NT era
L11-5: Understanding the difference between becoming PURE and becoming HOLY
L11-6: What is the true Scriptural meaning of HOLINESS?
L11-7: Those grafted into Israel should adopt a diet reflecting the Lord’s HOLINESS
L11-8: The three characteristics of a land animal that God has approved for food
L11-9: The chief characteristics of God-APPROVED and God-FORBIDDEN sea creatures
L11-10: The characteristics of flying creatures that God has FORBIDDEN for food
L11-11: The characteristics of those insects God has deemed okay to eat
L11-12: God’s laws concerning uncleanness teach us that death is NOT natural
L11-13: This teaching on impurity is KEY to understanding many things Yeshua did
L11-14: The reason God allows men to kill certain animals for food but the opposite is forbidden
L11-15: How the Concept of Separation is ever-present from Genesis to Leviticus
L11-16: Hebrews wrote the entire Bible (BOTH THE OT AND THE NT)
L11-17: Unlike Greek, Latin, or English, Hebrew thought is ANALOGICAL
L11-18: Understanding our Greek thinking patterns-Part One
L11-19: Understanding our Greek thinking patterns-Part Two
L11-20: The reason God forbid eating pork-the Greek answer versus the Hebrew answer!
L11-21: We must let go of false doctrines created by Greek rational/logical thinkers
L11-22: Always asking ‘WHY’ of God’s commands is not compatible with having faith
L11-23: The 3-ZONE HOLINESS PATTERN that connects much of what we see in Scripture
L11-24: Did God really establish His Kosher food laws for health and hygiene reasons?
L11-25: How scholars INCORRECTLY apply allegory to the Kosher food laws
L11-26: The Holiness Pattern that reveals the REAL REASON behind the Kosher food laws
L11-27: The difference between the Greek and Hebrew definition of UNITY
L11-28: Is uncleanness the same thing as sin?
L11-29: Did Peter’s vision in Acts 10 really mean the Kosher food laws were abolished?
L11-30: Did Yeshua really declare all foods clean in Mark Chapter 7?
L11-31: Does it make sense that the Messiah would do away with a Law He fully lived out?
L11-32: What Paul really meant when he said ‘Nothing is clean itself’
L12-1: CLEAN and UNCLEAN distinctions are physical reflections of spiritual truths
L12-2: The NT shows us that UNCLEAN still exists in both the physical and spiritual world
L12-3: Scripturally speaking, do the words UNCLEAN and IMPURE really mean the same thing?
L12-4: Why is a mother deemed unclean when she gives birth to a child?
L12-5: Leviticus 12 is a perfect example of why the term SIN OFFERING is so misleading!
L12-6: A believer in Yeshua no longer faces UNCLEANNESS
L12-7: Yeshua’s blood cannot atone for us until we are first made CLEAN
L13-1: Ritual impurity or UNCLEANNESS due to skin diseases
L13-2: True leprosy was practically non-existent in Bible times
L13-3: If God has to destroy the whole universe to protect His Holiness, He will
L13-4: Yeshua made it clear that if you don’t understand Moses, you can’t understand Him
L13-5: The God of Israel is anything but POLITICALLY CORRECT!
L13-6: The Bible doesn’t necessarily connect TZARA-AT (skin disease) with sin
L13-7: Yeshua made it clear that it is WRONG to assume one’s misfortune is due to sin
L13-8: The three things a victim of TZARA-AT (skin disease) was forced to do
L13-9: The Lord views all unbelievers as METSORA (the unclean)
L13-10: Why does the Lord forbid mixing linen with wool?
L13-11: Why is immersion in water so important to the Lord’s rituals and ministries?
L13-12: The NUMBER ONE SIN that the Hebrews believed caused TZARA-AT (skin disease)
L14-1: The priests did NOT cure or even pray over the METSORA (Skin Disease Carrier)
L14-2: LIVING WATER is not a New Testament idea, it began in Torah!
L14-3: The REAL MEANING of the ‘blood & water’ that flowed out of Yeshua after the spear thrust
L14-4: The METSORA passed through several levels of purity before rejoining Israel
L14-5: The awesome connection between the purification rituals and 8th day circumcision!
L14-6: The evangelical idea of ‘BORN AGAIN’ did NOT begin in the New Testament
L14-7: TEN HEBREW WORDS related to the purity rituals necessary to understanding TORAH
L14-8: Why do religious Jews often refer to Christianity as a ‘cheap religion’?
L14-9: Are we really any different than those Israelites who became stiff-necked in the desert?
L14-10: Applying God’s Word to changing circumstances was just as tough for Israel as it is for us
L14-11: Dealing with TZARA-AT (skin disease) on houses
L14-12: For TZARA-AT (skin disease), why are sacrifices needed to purify people but not houses?
L14-13: How Rabbinic thought on TZARA-AT (Skin Disease) intersects with Christian belief
L15-1: I remind you that UNCLEAN and SINFUL are Biblically speaking NOT synonyms
L15-2: The term ‘UNCLEAN BELIEVER’ is an oxymoron of gargantuan proportions
L15-3: How washing hands prevents the spread of spiritual UNCLEANNESS
L15-4: How are believers to stay away from the UNCLEAN, yet show God’s love to the UNCLEAN?
L15-5: The Purity Rituals clearly show that one must be made HOLY before approaching God
L15-6: Why a man is forbidden from fighting in battle on the day he has sex with his wife
L15-7: Your average Hebrew female did NOT have to deal with a regular monthly cycle
L15-8: Why Yeshua remained CLEAN when a woman with an abnormal discharge touched Him
L15-9: The one Hebrew phrase that is used here and NOWHERE ELSE in the Bible
L16-1: The importance of distinguishing Scriptural Truth from men’s traditions
L16-2: The REAL Biblical reason for YOM KIPPUR-The Day of Atonement
L16-3: It is NOT TRUE that Yeshua believers can enter into the Holy of Holies
L16-4: The spiritual significance of the white garments the High Priest wore for Yom Kippur
L16-5: How the YOM KIPPUR Scapegoat Ritual mocks the devil
L16-6: What was the purpose of the smoke that engulfed the mercy seat?
L16-7: Why are only certain parts of the sacrificial animal burned up on the brazen altar?
L16-8: How the Scapegoat ritual foreshadows what Messiah accomplished for us
L16-9: What do the Scriptures mean when it says we’re to AFFLICT ourselves on Yom Kippur?
L16-10: How the observance of YOM KIPPUR changed after the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D.
L16-11: The Law was perfect, but its purpose was not to perfect
L16-12: YOM KIPPUR: Tradition versus what Scripture really says!
L17-1: Accepting Yeshua as Savior and being grafted into Israel are NOT two separate things
L17-2: Any animal to be used as meat for food had to first be offered up as a sacrifice
L17-3: How being CUT-OFF is connected to the father’s sins visiting the 3rd and 4th generation
L17-4: Was man created to be a vegetarian?
L17-5: The connection between Leviticus 17 and the 49 A.D. Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:20)
L17-6: Why did God change the command that all animals for food had to first be a sacrifice?
L17-7: Why the Peace Offering (ZEVAH) was the most popular sacrifice
L17-8: ‘No longer will they offer sacrifices to GOAT-DEMONS.’ Say what?!
L17-9: What does the phrase “TO BEAR ONE’S GUILT” really mean?
L18-1: The TORAH is the only place where you will find ‘SEXUAL IMMORALITY’ defined!
L18-2: The sexual instructions in Leviticus chapter 18 are directed ONLY to men
L18-3: Is ‘TO UNCOVER THE NAKEDNESS OF THY FATHER’ referring to a homosexual act?
L18-4: Leviticus 18 is mainly about defining who it was okay for a man to marry
L18-5: In the OT era, adultery was ONLY considered a female crime
L18-6: Why did God allow Jacob to marry two sisters (Rachel and Leah)?
L18-7: A good example of how Scripture is more explicit than what translators have allowed
L18-8: What’s a command against child sacrifice doing in a list of prohibited sexual behaviors?
L18-9: There is no Hebrew word that means ‘homosexuality’ as we understand it today
L18-10: The key Hebrew word that shows the real reason why God outlawed bestiality
L18-11: The connection between sexual immorality and being VOMITED out of the Land
L19-1: The original 1st Commandment is NOT what the church has taught you
L19-2: There is nothing more hypocritical than to claim Yeshua as Lord while disobeying TORAH
L19-3: The often overlooked connection between honoring one’s parents and keeping Shabbat
L19-4: HOLINESS is an inner condition that must be expressed outwardly
L19-5: Do not turn to idols
L19-6: What is the MOST SERIOUS CRIME a believer can commit against the Lord?
L19-7: How God’s compassion for the poor was reflected in ancient Israel’s agricultural practices
L19-8: Who were the poor and strangers who came to the fields and vineyards after the harvest?
L19-9: How the Torah concept of honest business dealings differed from the pagan nations
L19-10: Why does Yeshua tell us it is better to never swear an oath at all?
L19-11: Understanding the Biblical definitions of fraud (OSHEK) and robbery (GEZELAH)
L19-12: The importance of understanding the principle behind God’s literal commands
L19-13: How God through His TORAH progressively reveals His Ways to us
L19-14: Should the economic status of a criminal count when a judge determines a sentence?
L19-15: The concept of ‘LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF’ is not an NT invention!
L19-16: The removal of the TORAH from the church gave birth to false manmade doctrines
L19-17: The greatest spiritual principle of God the church has violated!
L19-18: In ancient Israel, a woman’s most prized possession was her virginity
L19-19: After planting a tree, why did the Lord forbid eating its fruit for three years?!
L19-20: Doing good is NOT good if the motivation in your heart is wrong
L19-21: Why did the Lord forbid rounding off the edge-growth of your head?
L19-22: ZONAH can mean either ‘CULTIC’ or ‘COMMON’ harlotry depending on the context
L19-23: There is ZERO mention of the concept of dying and going to heaven in the Torah
L19-24: Spirits of the dead are really DEMONS masquerading as the deceased!
L19-25: The deeper meaning behind the command to ‘NOT WRONG A STRANGER’
L20-1: Even the GER (foreigner) living among Israel must obey God’s TORAH
L20-2: Ashteroth, Ishtar, Astarte, and EASTER are names referring to the same pagan god
L20-3: Why the word ‘TOLERANT’ must be eradicated from our vocabulary
L20-4: Abortion is modern day child sacrifice
L20-5: What does it really mean to defile God’s HOLY NAME?
L20-6: What the phrase ‘COME IN THE LORD’S NAME’ really means
L20-7: Ending the life of a person who unjustly takes innocent life saves life
L20-8: How the world has turned God’s Laws upside down
L20-9: If you commit these sexual acts, God says you must DIE!
L20-10: In Scripture, ‘CUT OFF’ or KARET refers to both social and spiritual excommunication
L20-11: The one Hebrew word that connects being CHOSEN with NOT EATING unclean animals
L21-1: Only certain families from the Tribe of Levi were eligible to become priests
L21-2: When the Bible speaks of ‘ETERNITY’, it does not mean a really LOOOOOONG time!
L21-3: When did death and decay begin in our universe?
L21-4: Levite priests were NOT allowed to preside over funerals
L21-5: If a priest is ONE FLESH with his wife, why can’t he attend to her dead body if she dies?
L21-6: There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between ministering to the UNCLEAN and uniting with them
L21-7: Is a believer in Yeshua really representing God if he breaks the Lord’s commands?
L21-8: The residual pagan beliefs that remained inside of Israel even after Sinai
L21-9: How many sinful acts does it take for one to earn the label of drunkard, fornicator etc?
L21-10: The Torah specifies ONLY ONE REASON that will allow a man to divorce his wife
L21-11: Not only the priests, but the priest’s family members were held to a higher standard
L21-12: The blessings AND THE CURSES of the Torah are alive and well!
L21-13: Why couldn’t the High Priest even participate in the funeral of his parents?
L21-14: If we are to approach God, somehow we have to be made PERFECT
L22-1: Understanding the difference between DIRECT and INDIRECT defilement
L22-2: A gentile slave was considered part of the priest’s family while a Hebrew servant was NOT!
L22-3: Intentional or not, there is always a consequence for violating God’s HOLINESS!
L22-4: The Hebrews had to overcome the pagan belief that you can earn your HOLINESS!
L22-5: How the requirement that a sacrifice must be blemish-free points to Messiah
L22-6: God doesn’t have one Torah for the Jews and another Torah for gentiles
L22-7: How the priestly principles in Leviticus are reflected in the New Testament and applicable to believers today!
L23-1: The connection between God’s Religious Calendar and DISCREPANCIES in the 4 Gospels
L23-2: Almost every story of Yeshua going up to Jerusalem was to observe a Biblical Feast
23-3: Sabbath Day observance was established between God and ALL mankind
23-4: Understanding the difference between THE Sabbath and A Sabbath
L23-5: Understanding the difference between the RELIGIOUS calendar and the CIVIL calendar
L23-6: The one Hebrew phrase you HAVE TO UNDERSTAND to know when Passover occurred!
L23-7: An IMPORTANT WORD that has been removed from most English Bibles!
L23-8: It is NOT a Biblical requirement that one has to be in Jerusalem for Passover
L23-9: The great events of Yeshua’s life occurred on long-established Hebrew holidays
L23:10: The word PESACH actually has zero connection to the English word ‘PASSOVER’
L23-11: Passover has NOTHING to do with Israel making a sin sacrifice!
L23-12: If the blood of the Passover lamb was not for sin atonement, what was its purpose?
L23-13: Did Paul REALLY SAY Yeshua was our Passover lamb crucified for our sins?
L23-14: Why is leaven banned during the Passover week?
L23-15: Firstfruits would NOT be celebrated until the Israelites entered the Promised Land
L23-16: The reason why people mix up BIKKURIM (Firstfruits) and SHAVUOT (Pentecost)
L23-17: What is the ‘COUNTING OF THE FIRST OMER’ all about?
L23-18: How the Hebrew distinguishes between regular wine and hard liquor in the Scriptures
L23-19: A look at the ritual procedures for SHAVUOT or Pentecost (Hebrew teaching included!)
L23-20: The awesome significance of the Feast of Firstfruits for the believer
L23-21: An introduction to the High Holy Days
L23-22: Will Yeshua’s return be on ROSH HASHANAH (Feast of Trumpets)?
L23-23: Why is Yeshua’s coming called the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord?
L23-24: What does God mean when He says ‘AFFLICT YOURSELVES’ on YOM KIPPUR?
L23-25: Understanding the prophetic and spiritual meaning behind the Biblical Feasts
L23-26: Are we required to go to Jerusalem to observe the Biblical Feasts today?
L23-27: How the Hebrew distinguishes between A sabbath and THE sabbath in the Scriptures
L23-28: Yeshua proclaimed He was the source of ‘LIVING WATER’ on the final day of SUKKOT!
L23-29: In Yeshua’s time, Galileans were like Oklahomans and Judeans were like New Yorkers
L23-30: The TORAH actually as very little instructions concerning HOW to observe the feasts
L23-31: Scripture tells us ALL nations will be celebrating SUKKOT in the Millennium Kingdom
L23-32: How SUKKOT’s 21 trumpet blasts are linked to the 21 judgements in Revelations
L23-33: Understanding the DIFFERENCE between God’s Wrath and the Tribulation
L24-1: 99% of the time you see the words ‘LORD’ or ‘GOD’, the original Hebrew was יְהֹוָה
L24-2: How the pure oil from crushed olives used to fuel the MENORAH pointed to Messiah
L24-3: Was the MENORAH (Golden Lampstand) kept burning 24 hours a day?
L24-4: How the scientific process of producing LIGHT teaches us how we’re to serve the Lord
L24-5: The Shewbread being divided into 2 rows symbolized that Israel would split into 2 houses
L24-6: The REAL REASON why Yeshua approved of his disciples plucking grain on the Sabbath
L24-7: The one Hebrew word that teaches us the real meaning of BLASPHEMY
L24-8: ‘HIS BLOOD SHALL BE UPON HIS OWN HEAD’ does not mean what we think it means
L24-9: Go to Torah for the real definition of ‘BLASPHEMING THE HOLY SPIRIT’
L24-10: Is the Hebrew idiom ‘EYE FOR EYE AND TOOTH FOR TOOTH’ to be taken literally?
L25-1: The Jubilee was the supreme demonstration of God’s grace towards His People
L25-2: Israel, throughout their entire history, was an agricultural society
L25-3: TORAH is organized in a way that resembles the maturing process of a human being
L25-4: God giving Canaan to Israel was NOT an outright transfer of ownership like we might think
L25-5: A perfect example of how one must go to ORAL TORAH to understand Scripture
L25-6: Why does the Jubilee begin on the 10th Day of TISHRI instead of the 1st Day of TISHRI?
L25-7: The connections between JUBILEE and PENTECOST
L25-8: The way Jubilee was set up meant there were two Sabbatical Years in a row every 50 years!
L25-9: The one Hebrew word whose meaning expresses the entire purpose of Jubilee
L25-10: The principles of Jubilee set the stage for much of what we’ll learn in the New Testament
L25-11: The DIFFERENCES between land property rights in ancient Israel and modern America
L25-12: Was the Jubilee system communistic?
L25-13: History PROVES BEYOND A DOUBT that when Israel is not in the land, the land DIES!
L25-14: When inhabited by Jewish farmers, the Gaza accounted for 1/3rd of all produce in Israel
L25-15: In Torah, the word ‘SELL’ as it pertains to land refers to the transfer of a LEASEHOLD
L25-16: All real estate transactions in ancient Israel automatically included the RIGHT OF REDEMPTION, a practice which pointed to Messiah!
L25-17: The ultimate lesson of the Jubilee is that it teaches us EVERYTHING belongs to God
L25-18: The surprising reason why your average Israelite did NOT want to lend money to a Levite
L25-19: Just as the land belongs to God, so too are all Israelites God’s HOLY PROPERTY
L25-20: The TORAH permitted Hebrews to own slaves (human property) but ONLY foreigners!
L25-22: The three Hebrew words all used to refer to ‘KINSMAN’ in the Scriptures
L25-23: Yeshua is referred to as our ‘KINSMAN REDEEMER’ exactly ZERO times!
L25-24: Yeshua is the only one who had the means and will to be Israel’s Kinsman Redeemer
L25-25: Should the Jubilee Laws be followed outside of Israel?
L25-26: Yeshua is a “KINSMAN” Redeemer, NOT a “Universal” Redeemer
L25-27: How can Yeshua the Jew be the Kinsman Redeemer of one who is NOT Jewish?
L25-28: How Paul’s Olive Tree Metaphor Explains How Gentiles are Saved
L25-29: The reason why many Rabbis did NOT accept Yeshua as Messiah
L25-30: Are you living in YHWH’s house or somebody else’s?
L25-31: The salvation of the gentile world is dependent on the Hebrew world
L26-1: Obeying or disobeying God’s commands always brings consequences with them
L26-2: Why the scientific community is WRONG in claiming Leviticus was written after Babylon!
L26-3: Does BEING SAVED inoculate one from divine consequences for sins committed?
L26-4: How the Scripture’s definition of ‘prosperity’ differs from the FALSE prosperity gospel
L26-5: Was there a connection between Hurricane Katrina and America’s treatment of Israel?
L26-6: YHWH’s response to man’s rebellion is the SAME in both the OT and NT
L26-7: The key Hebrew phrase that shows YHWH keeps His promises, whether good or bad!
L26-8: The surprising connection between the Hebrew word for ‘FETISH’ and idol worship
L26-9: Don’t EVER let anyone tell you the sacrificial system was legalistic and useless!
L26-10: What did Yeshua mean when he said ‘Depart from me you who practice LAWLESSNESS!’
L26-11: Understanding the THREE DIFFERENT WAYS God deals with humanity
L26-12: The gentile nations will be judged based on one factor: HOW THEY DEALT WITH ISRAEL
L26-13: History proves that due to Israel’s disobedience the land was paid by back its sabbaths
L26-14: The difference between the Jewish and gentile mind when it comes to repentance
L26-15: Israel’s exile was a form of national discipline, NOT national destruction
L27-1: ‘TITHING’ was only one of several categories of offerings given to the Sanctuary!
L27-2: In the New Testament, the command to tithe appears exactly ZERO times!
L27-3: What should you do if you rashly make a vow to God you can’t keep?
L27-4: What are the dire consequences for messing with God’s HOLY PROPERTY?
L27-5: The difference between a ‘RITUALLY CLEAN’ and ‘RITUALLY UNCLEAN’ animal
L27-6: How coins in the Biblical era were DIFFERENT than the coins we use today
L27-7: All firstfruits or firstborns by default belong to the Lord
L27-8: The fascinating connection between things devoted to God and the DEATH PENALTY!
L27-9: In general, God does NOT desire nor seek our vows