In my last post I explained that God deals with humanity in basically three ways: as individuals, as families/communities and as as nations as a whole.
Now here is an important point to consider.
After Israel was resurrected from the dead as a nation in 1948, from that point on, an important law of God was also resurrected and put back into play in our universe.
That law is what YWHH told Abraham so long ago:
“I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”
-Genesis 12:3
You can be certain about this.
The nations of the world will be judged or redeemed based on one singular factor: HOW THEY TREATED ISRAEL.
Again, understand that I’m not talking about the salvation of individuals.
I’m referring to national redemption.
You can rest assured that what I have just said is a teaching taken straight from the pages of Scripture.
Joel, Obadiah, Amos and the Book of Revelations all speak of this truth.
Although I’m talking about God judging the nations, understand that if a good majority of a nation’s individual citizens do not trust in the Lord, chances are quite high that nation will not have leaders who accept Him.
Think about it.
If a given nation does not have the wisdom to recognize just how special Israel is in YHWH’s eyes, in its political dealings with Israel, decisions will invariably be made that will go against YHWH’s instructions concerning this specially set-apart people and land.
And here’s another thing.
God isn’t going to cut those nations slack who out of “peaceful intentions” adopted some mixture of trusting the God of Israel with “tolerance” of other gods.
False beliefs that promote that any god is the same God as YHWH or saying that modern geo-political realities supersede God’s Torah are not going to cut it.
Religious syncretism is not going to cut it.
A nation who would do horrible things against Israel while at the same time “calling on the name of the Lord” are going to be just as liable for judgment in the end times just as if they had wholeheartedly given themselves over to Molech or Ba’al worship.
You cannot be against God’s Chosen People while at the same time being for God’s chosen Messiah.
I couldn’t think of anything more grossly hypocritical than that.
Right now as I type this post, I can assure you there are many nations who are being disciplined for the exact thing that the Israelite prophets of so long ago warned about: attempting to divide up the land of Israel.
Let me make this politically incorrect truth crystal clear to you, so there be no misunderstanding.
Any nation who claims they’re dividing up Israel in the name of world peace is anti-God and anti-Bible.
And I would say that any church or synagogue who teaches otherwise is double-minded and lacks faith.
I wanted to close this post with a Youtube video from an Israeli believer in Yeshua who passionately speaks about the truths I articulated in this post:
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