In our studies of the Jubilee we learned that not only was every 7th year to be a Sabbatical Year but likewise, the 50th year Jubilee was to be a Sabbatical Year as well.
Let’s take a look at a couple of things that reveal the prophetic meaning behind the Jubilee Year.
First, the 50th JUBILEE year is connected with the 50th day of SHAVUOT (Pentecost).
YHWH told Israel that if they failed to keep the 50th year Jubilee, they would be expelled from the land and the gentiles would in turn enjoy what was intended for His chosen people.
When we look at Israel’s history, we’ll see that that’s exactly what happened more than quite a few times.
Now in many ways, the Jubilee fits in perfectly with what occurred on Pentecost.
On the 50th day, when the Holy Spirit descended, the Holy Spirit descended only on Jews who had traveled wide and far from different locations to keep the feast.
But here’s the thing.
From that 50th day, God’s Holy Spirit was also made available to Gentiles.
For we’re told the following in the Book of Acts.
“Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message. The Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles, too. For they heard them speaking in other tongues and praising God.”-Acts 10:44-46
After that fateful day in the upper room, God’s saving provision would be for ALL WHO BELIEVED, not just those who were part of the circumcised or physical Israel.
Those who didn’t accept the provision of the 50 year Sabbath Jubilee cycle were KARET or “cut off” from the land.
And those who didn’t accept the provisions of SHAVUOT or Pentecost (meaning acceptance of the HOLY SPIRIT) were cut off from the Kingdom of God.
One of the ultimate lessons we learn from the Jubilee is that it forced you to rest from all your work and count only on the provisions of God.
Likewise, the Gospel message in the NT is all about laying all your own works aside and depending only on the sacrifice of Yeshua.
One of the biggest challenges of the 50 year Jubilee was that those who were rich because they owned an abundance of land had to return their holdings to their original owners.
Likewise, on SHAVUOT, we have to return all we have to the original owner of everything: Our Father in Heaven.
the gentiles . . . hmmm
A walk through the weeks . . . up to the pentecostt week.
Genesis . . . God is light. week is not done.
ark of covenant . . . God is holy. (this is where they set moses on his throne)
temple . . . God is worshipped in spirit and truth. This was cleared with the whore at the well. The ones in the temple guard the temple. The ones on the mountain decide what mountain. The spirit was not give . . . the spirit was not given. Truth was talking to the woman.
immanuel . . . God is with us.
Passion week . . . God is touched.
Pentecost . . . God is in us. This was for all. We just have not recognized Israel’s weeks. We have not been walkiing in the spirit. We have been walking in the head and monopolizing the scriptures.
Weeks speak for themselves. We have no control over a week. If we did, they would have gone to bethany and brought jesus in for another parade for praise, but instead, the week left jesus to spend company with a dead man.
so . . . pentecost was just another week moving reconciliation, redemption and revelation forward.