We have learned that the Kinsman Redeemer fulfilled at least three different roles or duties.
The first role was that of one who paid off the debts of a family member so that he could be freed from the clutches of servitude to a foreigner.
The second role was to step in to marry a childless widow so she could give birth to a son who would carry on the deceased father’s line.
The third role was that of an AVENGER who avenged the death of a family member.
In Hebrew, the Avenging Kinsman Redeemer was called the GO-EL HADAM.
Now in the Scriptures, there are two natures of Messiah that are spoken about.
One is that of a suffering servant and the other is that of a mighty warrior/king.
The Jews refer to the suffering servant figure as Messiah Ben Yoseph and they refer to the mighty warrior/king figure as Messiah Ben David.
One of the main reasons many Jews do not accept Yeshua as Messiah is because when he came to this planet, he did not come as a warrior or a conquering king.
And that was the side of Messiah they really wanted given that they were under Roman occupation at the time.
Of course, those of the Messianic faith understand that at the end of time when Yeshua returns, he will be returning as the most ferocious blood avenger the world has ever seen.
The first time Yeshua came, he came as a GO-EL or the Kinsman Redeemer who paid the price for our redemption.
However, the second time he comes back, he’s returning as the GO-EL HADAM.
It will be the time for those who have persecuted and killed God’s people to now have their blood spilled and it’s going to be Yeshua who will be doing the blood spilling.
This is that great and terrible Day of the Lord the Scriptures speak about when Yeshua, the Kinsman Redeemer will AVENGE the blood of His kinsmen.
There is another interesting reason why the learned Rabbis denied Yeshua that you should know about.
By the time of Yeshua, the principles and laws of the kinsman redeemer had evolved to the point where role of the Kinsman Redeemer was seen as being ONLY THAT OF A BLOOD AVENGER.
In other words, by Yeshua’s time, it was no longer considered an obligation for a kinsman to redeem a family member from servitude or loss of land property.
That’s right.
These very laws and principles we’re studying here in Leviticus 25 were twisted and reinterpreted to the point where the rescuing of a family member from servitude or the stepping in to prevent loss of land was transformed from being a high duty into something called the “Right of First Refusal“.
By Yeshua’s day, redemption had become completely optional!
And what’s worse, in the case of rescuing land property, if a kinsman redeemer did step in to redeem the land, going totally against the TORAH, the land was NOT returned to the poor relative who had fallen on hard times.
The Kinsman Redeemer took it upon himself to keep the land for himself!
It became just like our modern system of land foreclosure.
The person who was unable to make payments on the land lost it.
In other words, he wasn’t redeemed at all and to be honest with you in such a situation the kinsman redeemer shouldn’t even be called a “kinsman redeemer” because he isn’t redeeming anything.
He’s stepping in to buy the land for himself.
I should also let you know that blood vengeance was NOT a regular occurrence in Yeshua’s day simply because the Romans had outlawed the practice.
But it did still happen from time to time among the Israelites.
So getting back to my point.
One of the main reasons the Rabbis bring up to justify their denial of Yeshua is that there is no way he can be a Messiah because he didn’t manifest himself as a BLOOD AVENGER or a GO-EL HADAM.
Yeshua was not anything like a Messiah Ben David (the warrior king) when he first came to this earth.
And you know what?
The Rabbis are correct.
When Yeshua came, he was anything but a Warrior/King.
But when he returns, as the GOEL-HADAM, man it ‘aint gonna be pretty.
As the Blood Avenger of Israel, he’s going to spill the blood of YHWH’s enemies to the point where it will be flowing as high as the bridle of a horse in the valley of Armageddon.
On that day, the sentimental, maple syrupy wimpy portrayal of Yeshua as a man who wouldn’t hurt a fly that the church has promoted will no doubt be obliterated.
MESSIAH BEN DAVID will be returning.
“When the Lamb broke the fifth seal,
I saw underneath the altar the souls
of those who had been put to death
for proclaiming the Word of God,
that is, for bearing witness.
They cried out in a loud voice,
“Sovereign Ruler, HaKadosh, the True One,
how long will it be before you judge the people
living on earth and avenge our blood?”
Each of them was given a white robe;
and they were told to wait a little longer,
until the full number of their fellow-servants
should be reached,
of their brothers who would be killed,
just as they had been.”
-Revelations 6:9-11
“After these things,
I heard what sounded like the roar
of a huge crowd in heaven, shouting,
The victory, the glory, the power of our God!
For his judgments are true and just.
He has judged the great whore
who corrupted the earth with her whoring.
He has taken vengeance on her
who has the blood of his servants
on her hands.”
-Leviticus 19:1-2
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