“But on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered the produce of the land, you are to observe the festival of Adonai seven days; the first day is to be a complete rest and the eighth day is to be a complete rest.”-Leviticus 23:39
In my last post I focused on the physical side of SUKKOT (the Feast of Tabernacles) and how it represented the final gathering of the produce of the land.
So what is the spiritual or prophetic aspect of SUKKOT?
Prophetically speaking, SUKKOT is that great sign or event that is to happen before the Millennial Kingdom is established and Yeshua brings the full harvest of his followers before the Father.
This is the final ingathering of people into the Kingdom of God folks!
It is the last chance for anyone alive to acknowledge Yeshua’s Lordship as Messiah and the Son of God.
And this is where we now stand in Biblical history!
I believe this final ingathering of believers, TRUE BELIEVERS, is an event that is not too far ahead of us.
Having said that, nobody knows the exact day of the final ingathering.
Heck, even Yeshua doesn’t know the day.
If the Son of God doesn’t know, how in the world are we supposed to know?!
But Yeshua did say we can know the season for many things still yet to occur in the future.
Now here’s what I think with an emphasis on the words “what I think”, in other words, just my opinion.
When Yeshua said we can know the seasons, I believe he was alluding to the Biblical Feasts.
I believe this because the feasts are agricultural-based and obviously take place during the real and specified seasons of spring, summer, and fall.
Hence, now that we know the prophetic nature of the Biblical Feasts, I think we can make a healthy estimate of when Yeshua will return.
The Spring Feasts have been fulfilled with Yeshua’s execution and resurrection and the summer feast of SHAVUOT (Pentecost) was fulfilled by the coming of the Holy Spirit in the upper room as depicted in the Book of Acts.
So what’s left?
There’s nothing left but the three fall seasons to play themselves out.
Hence, I can only see Yeshua’s return as being LITERALLY the fall season of the year.
We’ve gotta look at the Biblical patterns folks!
Do you know what great sign the prophets told us would portend the final ingathering of God’s people for His Kingdom?
The prophets tell us that when the Jews come back home, that IS THE SIGN!
Think about it.
What happens BEFORE Sukkot?
For many days BEFORE the Feast begins, Jews from every location imaginable begin making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in preparation for the Feast.
It is not until AFTER the people are gathered does the Feast begin.
It is only after the FINAL INGATHERING of the people, does the Feast begin!
And what is happening right now?
Jews are returning back to Israel by the truck-full more and more every day!
The only thing we don’t know for sure is when the final Feast of ingathering will begin.
But I’ll bet my Macbook Air that it’s gonna happen on the Feast of Tabernacles!!!
I said this before and I’ll say it again.
He was executed on Passover Day.
He entered the tomb on the 1st day of the Feast of MATZA.
He rose from the dead on the Feast of BIKKURIM (Firstfruits).
The Holy Spirit came in power on the day of SHAVUOT (Pentecost).
The next major event set to occur on the Biblical calendar is YOM TERUAH, otherwise known as the Feast of Trumpets or ROSH HASHANAH.
This will be a call to a “HOLY convocation”!
Or to be more specific, a call to WAR as the Messiah returns to reclaim the title deed to planet earth which is now in possession by the evil one.
What will quickly follow on the heels of that event is SUKKOT!
And then we enter into the Millennium Kingdom.
Now you wanna know something interesting about SUKKOT and the millennium kingdom.
Check out these verses from the prophet Zechariah:
“Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles.”-Zechariah 14:16
Hence, it appears that SUKKOT is the only Biblical Feast out of the 7 that will continue on into the Millennium.
“When evening comes, you say,
‘It will be fair weather,
for the sky is red,’
and in the morning,
‘Today it will be stormy,
for the sky is red and overcast.’
You know how to interpret
the appearance of the sky,
but you cannot interpret
the signs of the times.”
-Matthew 16:2-3
Do you only believe in the TORAH?
Where do I get a real copy of the TORAH?
I’m 77 years old and I have never been so confused more in the past 3 months, by people posting things on face book by saying that Paul was a false prophet and that you have to live by the TORAH. They never say much at all about the New Testament. Is this a real time of deceitfulness that is led by satan or how can I know the real truth? I find it hard to believe that I have been wrong for 50 years! Maybe YAHUAH, my Father is trying to show me the truth, At this point I really don’t know. There is a lot of questions I need answers to. What does L23-26 mean? where is it found?
Hi Bennie!
So let me answer your questions.
First, as far as I know, I’m not Jewish and cannot legitimately claim some sort of blood connection to the Hebrew race.
I’m just a gentile that has been grafted into Israel through faith in Rabbi Yeshua (Jesus the Christ).
Second, no I don’t only believe in the Torah. I also accept the authority of the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament)
Third, regarding L23-26, this is simply a numbering system I use to index my articles. It is NOT, and I repeat, it is NOT
a Scripture reference. “L23-26” just means the 26th article dealing with some part of the content in Leviticus chapter 23,
that’s all!