“He will offer it before Adonai and make atonement for her; thus she will be purified from her discharge of blood. Such is the law for a woman who gives birth, whether to a boy or to a girl.”-Leviticus 12:7
I think we encounter an interesting conundrum here in Leviticus chapter 12.
Why would the Lord on one hand instruct mankind to be fruitful and multiply but yet on the other hand declare the result of the normal monthly process that prepares a woman for pregnancy as being UNCLEAN?
Well, again, as I mentioned before, to most Biblical Hebrew thinking, it is irrelevant to ask “why?”.
Instead of searching for scientific proofs and logical reasons, we need to find the PATTERN that fits the situation.
So according to Scripture, when a woman gives birth she becomes unclean and then has to regain her purity.
The PATTERN closely related to this would be a woman’s menstrual cycle.
Look at verse 7 (also copied above).
“He shall offer them before the Lord to make atonement for her, and then she will be ceremonially clean from her flow of blood.”-Leviticus 7:11
So we are plainly told the cause of impurity.
It doesn’t have anything to do with the baby.
It is the discharge of blood that has made the mother impure.
That is why she needs to be cleansed, NOT because she brought new life into the world.
In other chapters in Leviticus, we’re going to find in other situations that discharges from males and females also cause ritual impurity.
So that is the pattern.
A discharge of blood occurs during a female’s monthly cycle AND during childbirth.
This is the relationship between the two processes that establishes “why” a woman becomes unclean.
The truth be told there have been many wildly imaginative theories given as to why a woman becomes unclean during childbirth.
However, they’re all just men’s attempts to somehow connect the Biblical purity laws to scientific or health reasons.
In other words, it’s Greek thinking rearing its head all over again.
None of these theories can be found in Scripture as to the reason why these laws exist.
I would much rather stick to HASHEM’s pure word and the patterns He has given us.
i been reading some esoteric stuff and been trying to figure out the true reality and been wondering if the bible is 100% or if the removed books are true, or just pure heracy, or some true soem herasy, but soemthign about the moon cycle, and saturn. since saturn = satan, the monthly (moonly) period (blood discharge) is a p”payment” to the moon/saturn cycle. hence why she is “unclean”