There is a principle made very clear in the Torah that took effect from the first day of Creation.
However, many people mistakenly assume this principle began in the New Testament.
The principle I’m talking about is this:
“The only way something can become HOLY is by means of God’s grace.”
The church word for this process of the COMMON becoming HOLY is “sanctification”.
Or if you are of the evangelical ilk, you might use the phrase “being saved”.
From the era of Moses up to the present day, God has always granted His grace upon those whom He called.
And those whom He has called IS Israel.
And do NOT think this has changed today.
Yeshua Himself said…
“I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.“
-Matthew 15:24
The prophet Jeremiah also said…
“The days are coming,”
declares the LORD,
“when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel
and with the people of Judah.
-Jeremiah 31:31
Who does it say the New Covenant will be with?
Only the House of Israel (referring to the 10 Northern Tribes) and the people of Judah, so all of Israel.
I don’t see any mention of a covenant with the people of Scandinavia or the people of South Korea or any other gentile nation.
The Lord has never made a covenant with the Gentiles and He never will!
And I say this as a non-Jew.
People who can’t accept this reality start coming up with all kinds of retarded ideas like Replacement Theology, or the notion that among believers only ethnic Jewish believers are under obligation to obey the Torah commands, etcetera.
However, even though the Lord has ONLY made a covenant with Israel, we mustn’t overlook one very important fact.
God’s grace is available to ALL men.
And this is based on them trusting in the finished work of YESHUA HA-MASHIACH (the one the gentiles call “Jesus”), the Son of God.
However, what a gentile needs to remember is that when he or she is “saved”, he or she is grafted into the commonwealth of Israel as an equal citizen.
In other words, if you are a gentile, you join them (Israel), not vice versa.
Now what’s interesting about modern believers is that they tend to see the end game of salvation as being forgiven and cleansed from their sins.
But, as we have seen from our discussion thus far on the topics of “CLEAN & UNCLEAN” and “COMMON & HOLY”, that’s not really the end game, is it?
The REAL end game is to be declared HOLY by a HOLY God so that we can enter into a relationship with this HOLY God.
A man who is born COMMON (the state of all of mankind) and dies in a COMMON state will for all eternity be separated from the HOLY One of Israel.
On the other hand, the man who although being born COMMON, which is all men, but later on in his life becomes HOLY due to His trust in Yeshua will die in a HOLY state and as a result remain in the presence of the God of Israel’s Holiness for all eternity.
How about, when I as a gentile, accept the covering of the blood of the passover Lamb Who was slain for my atonement, I stand redeemed before the Father, with a ‘spirit’, which was born ‘dead in sin’ eternally quickened because the ‘angel of death’ passed over my spirit’ — then, my token Jew, the WORD/the Passover Lamb, my Redeemer/Messiah/Saviour, filled out the ‘adoption’ papers for me, did the ‘legal paperwork’ etc., filed it into the Courts of the Heavenly Kingdom, so now I BELOMG to the ‘family’ of God, as one of His children.
Isn’t that the story of both Exodus and Calvary?
Yup! I don’t think I’d disagree with anything in your comment. Thanks for sharing! Shalom!
Wait a minute. The Passover of Exodus had nothing to do with forgiveness of sin, it was a covering of blood so that death would “pass over” them and not kill. It was not redemptive in nature, it was to escape death and force Pharoah to release his people. The day of atonement and the goats were used for forgiveness of sin. God’s grace has been and always will be just his deciding to help us and not destroy us which he has every right to do. New Testament grace now includes the indwelling of the spirit to help us, something only the prophets and certain key people had in the Old Testament. Am I seeing this wrong, if so point me to the right post.
Don’t think I’d disagree with anything you wrote here.