While I was doing Scripture tear-downs for Acts 10 and Mark 7, you know, it struck me that all of this wouldn’t be necessary if gentile believers just properly accepted the Torah as the inerrant foundation for the rest of the Bible.
I just find it amazing that a believer will come across some verse by Yeshua or Paul in the New Testament and just because some of these verses seem to overturn a Torah ruling, instead of questioning their interpretation of what they’re reading, they will in knee-jerk fashion just assume that the original Torah ruling no longer applies.
And why?
Simply because they’ve been taught that damnable lie that the Law has been done away.
Logically speaking, if God’s Word is eternal and true and does NOT change, then the Torah should hold a much higher priority simply BECAUSE IT CAME FIRST.
If the Torah held its proper place in the hearts of gentile believers, then whenever a gentile believer comes across a verse that seems to contradict what is written in Torah, instead of throwing out the plain teaching of the Torah in accordance with the lie that the law has been done away with, he or she should immediately assume that the way they are interpreting whatever New Testament verse they’re reading MUST BE WRONG!
In other words, you have to interpret the New in light of the Old and not vice versa.
In fact, since 50% of the New Testament are direct quotes from the Old Testament, you have to interpret the New Testament by what came before.
My point is it is the stupidest thing ever to give priority to your fallacious interpretation of a New Testament verse just because it seems to contradict something in Torah.
Or let me put it this way, whenever you come across a New Testament verse that seems to contradict something in Torah, these are the two choices you have.
One, you are either misinterpreting that verse and thus need to rearrange your understanding (which is what I’m trying to do with this blog).
Or two, if there is something in the New Testament that really does contradict the Torah and the Tanach (Old Testament), then the New Testament is a false book and must be thrown out.
That’s it.
Those are the only two choices you have.
However, the one thing we must NOT do is say that “Christ did away with the Law” because He most certainly did not and said so Himself.
However, the church and Christianity has to tenaciously hold to the fallacious viewpoint that their Christ did do away with the Law, because that’s the only way they can hold to the inerrancy of the whole Bible (both the OT and NT) while at the same time breaking God’s Laws, especially the Sabbath and His Kosher food laws.
Man, what a schizophrenic religion that is!
I mean think about it.
The Messiah of Israel, Yeshua, who fully lived out the Law, including Sabbath observance and Kosher eating, does it make sense that He would now do away with that very Law that governed His life?
Does it make sense that He would abolish those very teachings that proceeded from the very mouth of the one He called His Father in Heaven and start a new religion that promotes the very breaking of everything He stood for?
Does that make sense?
It doesn’t make any sense to me, especially when one closely examines Yeshua’s life and finds out He was one of the most Torah-observant men who ever walked the earth.
A while back, remember when those WWJD (What would Jesus do?) bracelets were popular?
Forget about WWJD man.
It’s more like WDYD (What did Yeshua do?).
Yeah, we should create new bracelets man.
If you want to know what Yeshua would do, then look at what He did.
And what He did was lead a perfectly Torah-observant lifestyle.
If you are truly a spirit-led believer, that’s the part of His life you should want to imitate.
“Don’t think that I have come
to abolish the Torah or the Prophets.
I have come not to abolish but to complete.
Yes indeed!
I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away,
not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah
— not until everything that must happen has happened.
So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot
and teaches others to do so
will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven.
But whoever obeys them and so teaches
will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
-Matthew 5:17-19
I was going to ask why one of my posts had been removed. But something told me to wait a few days. Now I know why. I concede to your wisdom in this.
Hi Dennis, Not sure I know what you’re talking about.
I see several reasons my friends stick to “Christ did away with the law”, it gives them a clear conscience when they transgress the law. No law, no transgression, Jesus paid it all! Berean’s checked Paul & Silas preaching against the scriptures daily! Just what scripture was those Berean’s using since the New Testament had not been written? Would it not make more sense to just say in your posts “Christ did away with being JUSTIFIED by the law? Most Christians do not think like a Hebrew, they think like a Greek, you can’t try and explain things to a Greek mindset with a Hebrew mindset it is foolishness to them, explain it to them in a Greek way they can understand.
Prefer to explain it in a Hebrew way.
Yes please, keep explaining things in the Hebrew way. I am/was a Greek thinker. I am learning how to think the way the Hebrews did/do. I need the explanations in the Hebrew way of thinking. To point out the Greek way of thinking helps too. I am trying very hard to change the way I look at the Torah, Tanahk, and the New Testament. As a teacher of little ones, it is important for me to teach them correctly. Thank you for your teachings. Keep up the good work!
Glad you liked this Lorna.