In my last post, we were discussing the characteristics of the HOLY and the COMMON.
We’re going to continue this discussion of these Biblical truths, principles you should have learned early in your faith journey, but most likely were never exposed to if you grew up in a Christian church.
The four principles I introduced last time are as follows:
Today I’m going to go even deeper by introducing two new points.
The first new point is that all COMMON things can be divided into two different groups: CLEAN or UNCLEAN.
The second point is that only things that are both CLEAN and COMMON can be made HOLY.
Got it?
“UNCLEAN COMMON THINGS” are NOT eligible to become Holy.
And there’s only one place in Scripture where you’re going to find a list of “CLEAN COMMON THINGS” and a list of “UNCLEAN COMMON THINGS”.
That list can only be found in Leviticus chapters 11 to 16.
I could care less what modern gentile church doctrine teaches, the reality is you’re not going to find out what constitutes “clean and unclean” or “common and holy” from reading the New Testament.
You have to study the TORAH to get that information.
Moving on, the next principle you need to understand is that while the CLEAN can be polluted by contact with the UNCLEAN, the opposite is NOT true.
If a clean thing comes into contact with something unclean, it is now unclean.
However, if something unclean comes into contact with something clean, it does NOT become clean.
In other words, the UNCLEAN cannot be cleansed via contact with something CLEAN.
Just remember that if a CLEAN thing comes into contact with something UNCLEAN, the result is that BOTH things are now UNCLEAN.
There are no exceptions to this.
So how does it work when we are dealing with the HOLY and the COMMON?
It works in a similar way actually.
If the HOLY comes into contact with something COMMON, theoretically, the HOLY would become defiled.
However, at this point a non-negotiable principle you can bet your life on comes into play here.
The Lord would NEVER under any circumstances allow his holiness to be profaned.
We will see in the Scriptures that while it might seem possible for the HOLY to be transmitted to the COMMON, the Lord interrupts the process by destroying that COMMON thing or person that has come into contact with His Holiness.
Thus, the question is moot.
The Lord will never allow the COMMON to come into contact with the HOLY or I think it might be better to say His Holiness.
Now just as most things in this world are COMMON, most things in this world are also CLEAN.
Generally speaking, the current state of the natural world we live in is CLEAN AND COMMON.
This “CLEAN & COMMON” is the middle ground between the two extremes of the HOLY and the UNCLEAN.
In other words, something or someone that is “CLEAN & COMMON” can either be made HOLY via sanctification or they can become UNCLEAN via defilement.
The “CLEAN & COMMON” can be pulled in either one of these two directions.
And again understand that something that is “UNCLEAN & COMMON” can never be made HOLY.
If an UNCLEAN COMMON thing comes into contact with the HOLY, that UNCLEAN COMMON thing is destroyed!
No exceptions here folks!
Alright, I have a feeling that my explanation is starting to get a bit complicated, so let me sum it up for you nice and simple.
First, COMMON & CLEAN is the natural state of most things in the world, including us human beings.
Second, COMMON & CLEAN things can be made into something HOLY or made into something UNCLEAN.
Third, the “COMMON & UNCLEAN” can NEVER be made into something HOLY.
For example, a pig, which is designated as an UNCLEAN animal, can never be made into something HOLY.
In the Torah you will often encounter the words “clean” and “pure”.
Scripturally speaking, these words have the same meaning, so don’t be confused.
I would like to reiterate that these truths I have just explained are the fundamental building blocks of how are universe works.
Can you now see why there are barriers between a HOLY God and COMMON man?
Isn’t it now obvious why man has to be made HOLY before he can come into fellowship with God?
Can you also now see why, from the Lord’s perspective, His People Israel have a different status than any other gentile nation on earth?
What’s interesting and unique about Adam and Eve is that they were created in a HOLY state and thus had unlimited fellowship with the Father.
However, once they rebelled, they were no longer HOLY.
They became COMMON.
And that is the reason why they had to leave the Garden of Eden.
The Garden of Eden, because it was the Lord’s earthly dwelling place, was HOLY.
And it is forbidden for the HOLY and the COMMON to intermix.
The Lord kicking Adam and Eve out of the Garden was far more about protecting His Holiness than it was about punishing Adam and Eve for their transgression.
The Lord had to erect a barrier between our first human parents and Himself, because as I just said, the HOLY and the COMMON are not allowed to intermix.
This is the state mankind currently finds itself in.
In our natural state, we are separated from God because we are COMMON.
If you don’t get anything else I’ve said, just make sure you understand this one thing.
Under no circumstances will God allow His Holiness to be defiled!
Under no circumstances!
He will spare nothing and no one to protect His Holiness at all costs!
I hope you’re getting this point because it will explain a lot in terms of why God acts the way He does in the Scriptures.
For example, why did God decree that every man, woman, and child be destroyed once the Israelites went into the Promised Land?
It has EVERYTHING to do with these principles that govern what is to be done to something or someone once they become God’s Holy Property.
But of course, gentile pastors who don’t understand the Torah, have no choice but to resort weak arguments and try to explain God’s behavior away in the Old Testament by saying that He changed in the New Testament era.
Just remember this.
Only something HOLY can come into contact with a HOLY God.
Hi, thanks for this insight. Could you quote scriptures which support your explanations.
Hi, glad you found this educational. But a bit baffled at your request to quote Scriptures to support my explanations. I’m blogging straight through the Torah.
The creatures that went into the Ark only the Clean went in by sevens all else by twos. Just as God did not abolish any part of the Ten Commandments He wrote by His own finger He did not change His mind about creates what is and what is not clean to eat for creates cannot be made clean a pig still does not chew its cud Many quote ” What God has made clean is clean ” and they eat pork they eat sea life with out scales and fins and they were and are still scavengers . God did not change His mind about having other gods before Him nor that children no longer need obey their parents nor any of the other eight commandment The Ten Commandments were not abolish but who could be called by God’s Name could by rebirth of the Holy Spirit of God be they male female Jew or Gentile but no one based on their own merits can go before the Throne of Grace in prayer. What is sinful is still sinful for Yeshua did not redeem sin for sin cannot be forgiven Redeemed but the sinner can on true repentance .I hear Christians says “God forgave my sin” no He did not ” They need say ” God forgave “me of ” my sin ” that is setting free from it no longer bound .God did not make clean any of the unclean foul,sea life nor unclean animal and God did not abolish the Ten Commandments He wrote them twice by His own Finger only the Laws of ordinance did God allow Moses to write and in the OT God commanded Moses to have an Ark built and in that Ark are three things The Ten Commandments, Aarons Rod and a certain amount of Manna If these three things were not meant to be preserved God wouldn’t have had them secured in the Ark. Again Only did Yeshua die and arose to redeem the sinner not sin nor anything God declared unclean and the Ten Commandments God did not have made null