There is a huge misunderstanding concerning unity in the church that has its roots in…wouldn’t you know it….mistakenly applying a Greek mindset to this Biblical concept as opposed to a Hebrew mindset.
Now the church generally misunderstands and has a problem with one of God’s most fundamental governing dynamics that He uses to deal with mankind.
I am talking about the principle of DIVISION, ELECTION, AND SEPARATION.
If anybody has ever attended a Christian church for any period of time, I’m sure you have heard the pastor preach on the importance of there being UNITY within his congregation.
And if someone dares question what is being preached from the pulpit, that person is asked is asked to leave because he or she is causing DIS-unity.
Given this common perspective in the churches, I’m not sure too many pastors know what to do with the fact that the God of Creation achieves His purposes through the opposite principle of division, election, and separation, NOT unity.
I have a question for you.
Do you know how many times the term “unity” is to be found in the New Testament?
The answer is only five times!
However, in the TANACH, the word for “unity” appears close to one thousand times.
The Hebrew word for unity is ECHAD and it refers to one-ness in reference to the nature and character of God and to Man’s relationship to God.
Given its intrinsic connection to God, this word can only correctly be applied within a spiritual context, not a physical or earthly context.
The Greek word for “unity” is HENOTES and while it does mean “unity”, the nuance is different than the Hebrew ECHAD.
HENOTES means unity more in the sense of unanimous agreement among others, rather than “one-ness”.
On the other hand, ECHAD has the idea of being organically connected to something (in this case God) and growing together.
This results is an inseparable union that creates wholeness.
Do you remember what the Biblical definition of holiness is?
From the Bible’s perspective, holiness IS wholeness or completeness, not having any defects.
Now the problem we face is that there really isn’t an appropriate Greek word for the Hebrew ECHAD.
While the Greek HENOTES might come close, it doesn’t quite capture the Hebrew principle of ECHAD.
Here’s what you need to understand.
In the New Testament, in every instance where unity is called for, it is referring to man’s relationship with Yeshua, NOT with other men.
That’s right.
The concept of ECHAD is about each individual person’s union with Yeshua.
Unity flows from man to Yeshua, NOT FROM BELIEVER TO BELIEVER.
Whatever unity there is to be between men must flow through Yeshua.
Think of Yeshua as being like the hub of a spoked wheel.
He is the central point to which all believers are connected, and note that the spokes of a hubbed wheel aren’t connected with each other.
Any unity that exists between the spokes is because they are connected to the hub or Yeshua.
So let’s get this straight.
The true Biblical concept of unity is NOT about congregation members having to agree with each other on various issues.
That’s just Greek rational/logical thought rearing its ugly head again.
Instead, the Biblical concept of ECHAD is about coming into union with mind and person of Yeshua.
I’m talking about one-ness with the Father through Yeshua.
Again, this is just another typical case of the Greek mindset misunderstanding the Hebrew mindset.
This tragic misunderstanding has caused many churches to split up and led to much disharmony in the body.
Disagreement among congregation members is NOT sinful nor is it Biblical disunity.
In fact, I would say that disagreement in the body is a sign of a healthy congregation, especially in comparison to shutting somebody down or kicking them out of the congregation just because they express an alternate viewpoint.
There is plenty of space in the Lord’s house for a variety of views, especially on the more vague and challenging parts we find in Scripture, of which there are plenty.
“I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.”
-John 15:5
“Henotes” ALSO has the concept of “Singular identity”. This is how it is applied to things like “Marriage” and the ‘concept’ of the “Trinity” (which actually is a miracle not an ongoing physical existence). “The twain shall be one flesh” is “Unity” and why a wife’s last name is changed. Jesus as the Son of GOD (where the Sanhedrin themselves seen it) means His “oneness “AS” GOD. That’s why Yahweh and Yeshua both can be our Savior (note the singular). The best illustration is Franco Zeffirelli’s paraphrase of John when Jesus said “I and the Father are one and the same” in the well known “Jesus of Nazareth”.
That makes a “second” manifestation of the One and only existent GOD one as a man, the other as the always existent Father. A miracle performed for ALL to see instead of only a select few. A visit from the Greatest VIP in human history and HE gets treated like crap.
(Ps 82:1 [TS98])
Elohim stands in the congregation of Ěl [The Almighty]; He judges in the midst of the Elohim.
(Ps 82:2 [TS98])
How long would you judge perversely, And show partiality to the wrong? Selah.
(Ps 82:3 [TS98])
Give right-ruling to the poor and fatherless, Do right to the afflicted and needy.
(Ps 82:4 [TS98])
Rescue the poor and needy; Deliver them from the hand of the wrong.
(Ps 82:5 [TS98])
They do not know, nor do they understand, They walk about in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are shaken.
(Ps 82:6 [TS98])
I, I said, “You are Elohim, And all of you are sons of the Most High.
(Ps 82:7 [TS98])
“But as men you die, And fall as one of the heads.”
(Ps 82:8 [TS98])
Arise, O Elohim, judge the earth, For You shall possess all the nations.
According to Psalm 82 we are all the Sons of God and one with God. If the chapter is manipulated or twisted in the meaning it will make no cense. Plus it will be a denial of the Word of God as spoken by God, because this is a direct quote from God. We are to understand Jesus as the First Born Son who we are all patterned after. As He is one with the Father so Are We. As He is a Son of God so are we. Yes! Unity is a organic concept of growing into one. We are to be conformed into the image of Christ. And what is that image? Christ is the exact reflection of God, a mirror image, and exact copy. A copy of what, no not what, but who? Elohim said, “I have called you Elohim”. Who did He call Elohim, “His sons”. The ultimate goal is to be one with God by His choosing.
Dear Rich I have come to a place where I do comparison and then find the connection. Many concepts loose communication when they go from one language to another. If the original concept is not understood then then the corresponding translation will be off. This is why I compare in order to get the whole meaning from the text. Those who just rely on the Greek and NT are missing the essence of God’s whole story to and for us. Keep up the Good Work.
>>> the Biblical concept of ECHAD is about coming into union with mind and person of Yeshua.
I’m talking about one-ness with the Father through Yeshua.<<<<
Amen! Yes! And then there is union with other believers. Wonderful!
This teaching “seems” to need a balance, as mine of unity did also.
Unity, which is the reciprocal, the inverse as it were, of division, is clearly demanded of believers in the Body.
Sha’ul says in 1 Corinthians 1 “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Y’shua The Messiah, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it has been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. Now this I say, that every one of you says, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?”
In 1 Corinthians 3 he said that those who bring schisms, or divisions, into the Body are not only spiritual babes in need of milk, but that they are also carnal (He also said in Hebrews 5 that “every one that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil).
This is currently a massive problem with evangelicals today. They are bringing ungodly politics into the Body, in a vain effort to create a “mixture” of the Holy and the profane, which by its inherently and ungodly nature, creates an instantaneous “us” and “them” among believers. He also said to the Romans “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned; and avoid them.” The apostle also speaks of the unity of the Spirit and the Unity of the faith.
AND… this concept is not merely a “newer” testament one either. David said in Psalm 133 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there YHVH commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. “
As I stressed to others the biblical command for unity in the Body – where there is to be no Jew, Gentile, Greek, Barbarian, Republican, Democrat, Russian or Mexican – instead of partisan political schisms and dogmas, there was always still that nagging question in the back of my head as to how I was going to respond to those that would inevitably, and correctly, remind me that Y’shua came not to bring peace, but a sword, and that there is, as you have rightly shown above, a godly pattern of Division, Election and Separation in the Scriptures. I asked Y’shua to show me how to answer and this is what I got.
All things belong to Y’shua and He can AND WILL slice and dice whatever He wants to. He separates people from families, ungodly churches, and He divides sheep from goats, and so on, and so on. BUT when it comes to us, as believes, His sons and daughters, we do not, in any way shape or form, have the right to cause division “contrary to the doctrine which we have learned” in His household.
Division? Unity? Or Both?
Concerning that particulat verse that word unity is referring oneness to God..unity of oneness in the faith foesnt happen on earth ir we would all be of one faith and there would br zero denomonations
Perhaps the single verse which explains ECHAD is John 17:21, “Father, may they be one, just as you and I are one”!
Isn’t this the “unity” we should aspire for, which Christ has prayed to the Father, and the Father is pleased to grant?
Concerning that particulat verse that word unity is referring oneness to God..unity of oneness in the faith foesnt happen on earth ir we would all be of one faith and there would br zero denomonations