In the last couple of posts, I’ve been talking about the Greek Style of rational/logical thought which is the style of thinking that the majority of world (especially the West) currently operates under.
However, from today, I’m going to be discussing what scholars would term ANALOGICAL THOUGHT.
Analogical thought is a totally different animal than Greek rational/logical thought and IS THE STYLE OF THINKING OF THE BIBLE WRITERS.
In fact, the Greek style of rational/logical thought didn’t even begin to emerge until the times of Yeshua.
So let’s get started.
The simplest way to explain analogical thinking is to say that it operates based on patterns and models established in the past.
An analogical thinker looks for points of commonality shared between similar things.
For example, I’m pretty sure the Wright Brothers used analogical thinking in their early attempts to build the first airplane.
They observed that the common point between all flying creatures is that they all have “wings”.
So they figured that if they built a machine PATTERNED after the wings of a bird, it might also be able to fly.
Another important thing you need to know is that contrary to Greek thinking which works best in a vacuum, analogical thinking is dependent on RELATIONSHIPS AND CONNECTIONS.
Now notice in Leviticus that the Lord does NOT give a reason for each new law or command He gives.
Instead, He continues to one by one add new but similar laws to the mix.
Here’s the point you need to grasp.
The relationship between all these laws and commands TOGETHER results in an overall picture that gives us the meaning.
If you encounter a puzzling command in Scripture, instead of wringing your hair out trying to understand it as an individual stand-alone command, you need to view it as part of the whole.
You need to see how it is CONNECTED with the other commands in Scripture.
So for example, when we encounter God’s command in Scripture to not eat pork.
The Greek thinker will not view that particular command in light of its connection to the other commands in Scripture.
What I find to be chutzpah beyond the pale is that the Greek thinker will ignore the fact that the command is coming directly from the mouth of the Creator of the Universe Himself.
That is the one RELATIONSHIP or CONNECTION you do not want to ignore when studying the Lord’s commands.
Instead the Greek thinker will search high and low for some “logical” answer as to why God forbid pork and come up with ideas like the Lord had to forbid pork in ancient times because food hygiene practices were still primitive blah, blah, blah.
So how would the Hebrew or analogical thinker answer the question “why can’t we eat pork?”.
The Hebrew’s answer would simply be “because it HARMONIZES with the underlying principle behind all the other laws”.
In other words, the new rule forbidding pork is for the purpose of staying in perfect relationship to all the other rules.
In His parables, Yeshua also spoke using the analogical style of thinking.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.”
“The kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish.“
“The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.“
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field.”
Embodied in Yeshua’s parables are spiritual PRINCIPLES and PATTERNS that are eternal.
Yeshua got His point across by CONNECTING established and understood patterns to other things that at first glance don’t seem similar.
Of course, the Greek thinker is going to have a hard time understanding Yeshua’s parables.
“WHY in the world would anybody throw valuable pearls to pigs?”
“WHY would Yeshua relate a mustard seed to the Kingdom of Heaven?”
“WHY does an oil lamp running out of oil have something to do with Yeshua’s return?”
Notice the incessant “WHY? WHY? WHY?” of the Greek thinker.
If you want to understand some of the more puzzling parts of the Bible, STOP ASKING WHY!
The Bible ain’t no Greek philosophical treatise or science book man!
Instead look for the PATTERN that will connect everything nicely just like the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle that completes the picture.
The answers you seek are to be found in the ESTABLISHED patterns and principles you will find in the TORAH.
One thing about analogical thinking is that of course there must be a PRE-EXISTING or an ORIGINAL pattern from which what follows will model itself after.
So if you really want to understand the analogical thinking style of the ancient Hebrews (actually the entire ancient Middle East in general), understand that instead of the Greek style of thinking which always searches for the “why?“, the ancient Hebrew would instead be on the lookout for the “which”.
“Which pattern is true and relevant to this current situation I find myself in?”
That’s the question you’ve got to ask yourself.
Once you recognize the pattern, then the meaning will become clear.
Greek thinking by deduction or induction isn’t the query when dealing with the Creator. Jesus established the connect when talking to the Samaritan Woman, GOD wants those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth”. You can be deductive with analogy if you accept “Analogy” as a vehicle for understanding spiritual things that can’t be understood in any other way. In short, Atheists reject the “mystic” notion and it’s that notion that let’s us “truly” deduce the knowledge of GOD in truth. Baptism is analogous to physical birth, eating pork is analogous to accepting strange doctrine or cultist beliefs. Stay separated from people who eat “mental” garbage or slop. Removing the prohibition against pork means Jesus’ redemption applies to everyone who accepts Him, they no longer eat garbage so eating pork now means nothing. Jesus “fulfilled” (completed) the task of bring the entire world back to GOD. This was the explicit meaning of Peter’s dream before he converted the house of Cornelius. “GOD has accepted Gentiles” was the meaning of eating even the “garbage eaters” or “bottom feeders”.
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”-Matthew 5:17-19
The word “Fulfill” means to “Complete or bring to an end (as in finish a process not remove something that’s part of the process). The Law was “Incomplete”. There truly IS no valid law without Jesus. So, Jesus didn’t come to “Take things away”, He came to “ADD things to it” His death, His
blood, and most importantly, our direct access to the spirit of GOD. The Law is completely and completely redefined. Jesus is the Lamb of GOD and I don’t need to be Kosher because “Jewishness” isn’t my identity. The Spirit is.
Ah…Vern…you have completed the logical end to your argument. You conclude that because “fulfill” is defined as “Complete or bring to an end (as in finish a process not remove something that’s part of the process),” your logical conclusion is that the law was brought to an end. Your argument is classical if/then. However, what if “fulfill” does not mean complete or brought to an end? What if it means something totally different to the mind of the writer? In Hebrew vernacular, “fulfill” actually means to “interpret correctly” – something very different than your definition implies. Likewise, to “abolish” (destroy in many translations) in the Hebrew mind means to “interpret incorrectly.” This clearly makes even “logical” sense in the context of the remainder of the scripture…which concludes that “not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished…” But, what is critical is its correct interpretation. And, see Romans 7:12 and many other verses as well.
Don’t be as the Gentiles who walk in the futility of their own minds.
Actually, Jesus made it tougher! I can easily not commit adultery by the letter of the law, not so easy by the spirit of the law as he expressed it in his “It is written, But I say” discourse, same with killing, letter of law vs his “But I say” hate the same as killing. The part of Greek vs Hebrew, I just figured God did not create some animals, birds & insects to be used as food. Most animals under unclean are scavengers, the earth’s garbage disposals, I haven’t figured out why rabbit is included but because he said it is, I accept that. Gotta watch out how much “spiritualizing” we do in interpreting scriptures. Lots of types, allegories, symbolism, metaphors etc in scriptures BUT also just plain old “I don’t want you to do this, so don’t do it” kinda statements. We need spirit-filled teachers to help us remain focused and not let our imagination run wild.
You guys are very smart and can hold your own. I believe we are missing the most important part of read interpreting understanding the Word of God, we today have the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost leads guides and directs us unto ALL TRUTH if I’m reading it in any other way I’m going to get it wrong because the Word tells in 1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him neither can he know them because they are SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED. JESUS sent us the Holy Ghost so we can rightly divide the Word of Truth without the Holy Ghost we can’t rightly discern the Word of God