There is one major principle that needs to be addressed before we even actually begin reading Leviticus.
I’m talking about probably one of the BIGGEST gentile misunderstandings ever when it comes to the Levitical sacrificial system.
If you have attended a typical Christian church for any particular period of time, there is one false notion I can almost guarantee you’ve fallen prey to.
This false notion is the idea that prior to “Christ’s sacrifice”, the Levitical sacrificial system was the atonement system for ALL sins a man could commit.
This is WRONG.
While it is true that the Levitical sacrificial system was established for the purpose of atoning for sins, NOT EVERY SIN COULD BE ATONED FOR!
The Levitical animal sacrifices did NOT cover every sin a person could possibly commit.
Now just chew on the implications of what I just said for a second there, especially since Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of that very same sacrificial system.
It is because of this concept that heated debates (usually dealing with “eternal security”) arise concerning whether or not ALL of our sins in every possible circumstance are covered by Yeshua’s sacrifice on the cross.
So the obvious next question is if the Levitical sacrificial system did NOT provide atonement for some sins, but did for others, which is which?
Exactly what sins were NOT covered by the Levitical sacrificial system?
Fortunately for us, the Torah gives us a very clear answer on the matter.
What the Scriptures call “INTENTIONAL SINS” cannot be atoned for.
Other words used to describe this type of sin are “high handed” or “great”.
The idea is that this category of sin was not merely PREMEDITATED but involved gross rebellion against the Lord for which there was no excuse whatsoever.
We’re talking about out and out defiance against the Creator of the Universe.
This type of sin was planned out and then committed with full knowledge of what was being done.
The rebeller knew full well he or she was committing a serious sin that was akin to declaring war against the Most High.
So understand that the only type of sins the sacrificial system atoned for were the UN-INTENTIONAL or the NON-HIGH HANDED type of sins.
When was the last time you were taught that in a church?
Most pastors will just say “Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross did away with the need for the Levitical sacrificial system”.
This is a gross over simplification that overlooks a major component of the Torah and leads to a misunderstanding of Paul’s writings, especially the Book of Romans.
Next time, I’m going to go into more detail concerning the difference between “intentional” and “unintentional” sins.
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