Okay, by now it should be pretty crystal clear that what made Yeshua’s blood so precious to Paul was that it was capable of covering INTENTIONAL SINS.
And because of this reason, I think it is easier to understand why Paul used such harsh language when describing the Levitical sacrificial system in comparison to Yeshua’s sacrifice.
Although Yeshua is often called our High Priest, He was MUCH MORE than the High Priest that Aaron represented.
Yeshua is actually closer in type to what Moses was.
The Scriptures foretell that the Messiah will be “after the order Melchizedek”, who was BOTH a king and a high priest.
Although we are often told that Yeshua fulfilled the purpose of the Levitical Sacrificial system, he went BEYOND that and became our PASSOVER LAMB.
Here’s another point a lot of folks don’t really understand.
The Passover sacrifice was not really part of the Mosaic Law or the sacrificial system.
That’s right!
The Passover sacrifice came BEFORE the Mosaic Law.
Even the Biblical Festivals, although part of that body of Scripture we loosely term the Law, also functioned separately than the list of do’s and don’t’s that normally characterize the Law.
See, the Passover was NOT about atoning for sins.
Recall that the purpose of the Passover sacrifice was to PROTECT FROM DEATH, not atone for sins.
The blood of the Lamb was smeared on the doorposts in Egypt so that God’s heavy hand of death would not fall on the homes of His people and kill the firstborn sons.
Are you catching this crucial point?
When the Jews celebrate Passover, it is for them a memorial holiday to commemorate the Lord freeing them from Egypt and protecting them from death.
It was NOT about atonement for sins.
Or an even better way to put it: the Passover Lamb had NOTHING to do with the Levitical sacrificial system.
Got it?
The purpose of the Levitical sacrificial system was to allow one to DRAW NEAR to God by means of atonement.
But the purpose of the Passover sacrifice was to be protected from death.
To conclude, when Yeshua died on the cross, I believe at the least the following two things were accomplished.
First, He paid the price for both our intentional and unintentional sins.
Second, He became our Passover Lamb, and thus His blood marked us to be PASSED OVER for eternal death, what the Scriptures explain as being eternal separation from God.
“You are a priest forever,
in the order of Melchizedek.”
During the days of Yeshua’s life on earth,
he offered up prayers and petitions
with fervent cries and tears to the one
who could save him from death,
and he was heard because of his reverent submission.
Son though he was,
he learned obedience from what he suffered
and, once made perfect,
he became the source of eternal salvation
for all who obey him 10
and was designated by God
to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.”
-Hebrews 5:6-10
“The next day John saw
Yeshua coming toward him and said,
“Look, the Lamb of God,
who takes away the sin of the world!”
-John 1:29
I understand that but Paul says in Romans, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Yeshua the Messiah. ” It may have been at the time a passing over by the death angel or whatever, but then it became about atonement when Yeshua became the Passover Lamb and presented his blood at the altar in heaven thus satisfying the wrath of Elohim. That is how I understand it.
Right! I wouldn’t have any problem with your statement. Paul is referring to Yeshua freeing us from THE CURSE OF THE LAW which is eternal death or separation from God of which the opposite is ETERNAL LIFE! Thanks for reading.