Starting from today and over the next couple of days I’m going to be extracting some golden nuggets from the story of Gideon that we can apply to our own lives.
So let’s get started with golden nugget number 1.
It is this.
When God is in charge and stands with Israel, there is literally no force in the universe, be it man, armies, sophisticated weaponry, literally NOTHING that can prevail against them.
When we read in the Bible that a puny army consisting of only 300 men waged war against an enemy force of 135,000 soldiers and emerged victorious, there are really only 2 ways to take it.
We can view it as some mythical fairy tale on the same level as Aladdin and his magic lamp.
Or we can view it as a jaw-dropping true story that ought to kick us awake out of our doldrums like a cold shower at 3’o clock in the morning and get us to realize that the Lord we worship is truly incomparable to any other being in the universe and deserves all glory, honor and our deepest devotion.
If we honestly believe the Bible is truth instead of just paying lip service to it like so many people do, Gideon’s story ought to fill us with an immeasurable degree of hope, joy and courage.
And wouldn’t it be great if modern leaders in Israel today would also take to heart the story of Gideon instead of kowtowing to enemy nations whose real agenda is to see the Jewish State eliminated off the face of the earth?
Modern Israel has spent too much time and energy already trying to fit in and be like their gentile neighbors when it’s high time they embrace their true identity as God’s chosen people and stand confident in the Lord’s eternal promises to them.
And here’s another truth bomb.
We believers who have been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel through our faith in the Jewish Messiah should also accept and take to heart that we too are part of the elect who have been chosen by the Lord to fight for His Kingdom.
We are like the 300 who fought with Gideon.
And I’m not just talking about in a spiritual sense.
Just as Gideon was vastly outnumbered by a much stronger enemy, so too are we a very distinct minority compared to all the other people on the planet.
In fact, we will always be the minority until Yeshua comes back and establishes his kingdom.
Because if the story of Gideon tells us anything, it is that superior numbers on the enemy’s side doesn’t mean diddly squat.
Any victory we achieve in our lives will be of God’s doing, not ours.
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