“The men of Isra’el said to Gid‘on: ‘Rule over us, you, your son and your grandson, because you saved us from the power of Midyan’. Gid‘on replied, ‘Neither I nor my son will rule over you; Adonai will rule over you.‘”-Judges 8:22-23
Verses 22 and 23 of Judges Chapter 8 reveals something astonishing.
You probably don’t remember I said this but at the beginning of our study of our Judges I pointed out there was one key purpose of this book.
And that purpose was to convince Israel they needed a king to rule over them.
This has always been the Lord’s intent for Israel.
However, Israel didn’t want a king because the last king who ruled over them (Pharaoh in Egypt) had turned them into slaves.
So as far as Israel was concerned, they’d had enough of kings.
I know this goes against the typical and probably one of the most unsound Christian teachings on the matter that says the Lord did NOT want a king to rule over Israel.
Nothing and I mean absolutely NOTHING could be further from the truth folks.
God definitely wanted Israel to have a king.
Just NOT a worldly king.
A worldly king was one who served only his own interests, sought crazy amounts of wealth and power and was typically charismatic both in appearance and personality.
That’s not the type of king the Lord wanted for Israel.
A perfect case in point is to see how the Lord responded to the people’s choice of Saul to be their king.
“Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”-1 Samuel 16:7
The type of king the Lord wants to rule over His people is one who is like a loving shepherd who carefully watches over his flock and has the heart of a servant.
The first king approved by the Lord was of course King David.
And the second one approved by the Almighty was Yeshua who when he comes back will not only rule over Israel but the whole world.
After the war with the Midianites, the Israelites began to realize they wouldn’t be able to survive unless they unified under one leader who had the courage and heart of Gideon.
That’s why the tribal and clan leaders offered Gideon the job.
The people had suffered so much hardship due to oppression from others they had changed their minds about having a king rule over them.
However, Gideon declined their offer to become king.
Because deep down inside he knew he wasn’t fit for the job.
This decision was informed by his close relationship with the Lord.
Gideon knew he didn’t possess the necessary character and other attributes needed for the job.
To be King over Israel required someone with almost a supernatural degree of compassion, wisdom and love for God’s people.
We’re talking about qualities that only 1 in every 10 million possess.
So Gideon just answered the people and told them “Neither I nor my son will rule over you; Adonai will rule over you.”
Again, his answer has NOTHING to do with the false teaching that God didn’t want Israel to have a king.
Don’t listen to Christianity on this matter.
The Lord has indeed prepared a King, not just for Israel but for the whole world.
And I believe that King is coming soon.
Amen. l remember you exemplified Joshua.the type king. Yes Israel needed a king to rule over them. Thanks
Amen Abraham.