“Then Zevach and Tzalmuna said, ‘You, do it. You, kill us. Let a grown man do what takes a grown man’s strength.’ So Gid‘on got up and killed Zevach and Tzalmuna; then he took the ornamental crescents from around their camels’ necks.”-Judges 8:21
Verse 21 of Judges Chapter 8 says something REEEAAALLLY interesting that’s quite easy for the untrained Bible reader to overlook.
After Gideon killed Zevach and Tzalmuna, we’re told “he took the ornamental crescents from around their camels’ necks“.
Hmm…I wonder what these crescent shaped symbols that hung around the necks of the camels that Zevah and Tzalmuna owned represented?
Here’s what verse 24 says…
Then he added, “But I have this request to make of you, that each of you would give me the earrings from the booty you have taken.” For the enemy soldiers had worn gold earrings, like all the other tribes descended from Yishma‘el.
In other words, these particular crescent shaped pendants were what the Ishmaelites or descendants of Ishmael wore.
So let me ask you this?
Which group of people today claim they are the descendants of Ishmael?
And which group of people today holds up the crescent moon as their official symbol?
There’s only one answer to that question and that answer is Islam.
Now before you jump to any ridiculous conclusions and start thinking these men were actually Muslims, let me first make it clear that the religion of Islam did NOT exist in bible times, including during the New Testament era.
Mohammed, the founder of Islam, wasn’t even born until the late 6th century AD.
But every religion today has its roots in ancient times.
To that point, we know that modern Islam is a combination of Judeo-Christian thought, mystical Arab legends…
…the moon-god religion of the Sabeans.
The crescent moon has always been the chief symbol that represented the moon-god.
However, the religion of the Sabeans didn’t go back to Gideon’s time.
But worship of the moon-god did.
Actually, moon-god worship stemmed all the way back to before Abraham was even born.
It was quite common in the city of Ur where Abraham’s father Terach traded idols for a living.
In fact, irony of ironies, scholarly research shows that the city of Ur was the very center of moon-god worship in the region.
So what’s the point I’m getting at here?
My point is that as early as the time of Gideon (around 1300 BC), the Arabs were already incorporating moon-god worship into their religious practices.
And I’ve just showed you evidence of that right here in the Book of Judges.
Let’s not forget that in the ancient world, symbols, pendants and other jewelry were all religious in nature.
There weren’t any atheists and evolutionists walking the planet during Bible times.
The moon-god worship that existed in the ancient world simply morphed into what is the Muslim religion today.
Think I’m full of BS?
You’ve heard of Ramadan, right?
It’s the most holy season in Islam.
Well, the signal for the start of this most holy event is the appearance of the crescent moon.
Of course, modern Islam denies its moon-god heritage.
In order to cover it up, a couple of Muslim sects went so far as to remove certain sections in the Koran that clearly testified to its pagan origins.
And they most likely would have succeeded with their cover-up until a British author named Salmon Rushdie came along and wrote a book called “The Satanic Verses“.
This book exposed the cover-up by publishing those verses that were removed from the Koran in order to hide Islam’s pagan moon-god origins.
Rushdie’s book so infuriated the radical Muslim community that a fatwa calling for his assassination was issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah, who was the Supreme Leader of Iran in 1989.
As a result, the British government put Rushdie under police protection.
Rushdie adopted an alias and to this day has kept himself hidden to protect his life.
But honestly, we don’t need Rushdie’s book to see the true moon-god origins of Islam because it’s pretty darn plain for all to see.
Because their religion is filled with a ton of crescent moon related rituals and symbols.
Not to mention their observances are all timed at the appearance of the crescent moon.
And even their god Allah is a DIRECT reference to the moon-god.
So let’s bring this to a close.
Right here in chapter 8 of the Book of Judges, we have the sons of Ishmael, moon-god worshippers, harassing the Hebrews a good 3000 years ago.
And fast forward to today, we have the descendants of these moon-god worshippers harassing and terrorizing Israel.
The Lord knew if Israel didn’t deal with the moon-god worshipping Midianites, Arabs and other tribes living in Canaan during Joshua’s time, they and their descendants would continue to be a thorn in Israel’s flesh.
Which is exactly what happened.
Can you see how history repeats itself?
We’re told the cycle of Israel’s battle against her enemies will keep going on until Yeshua comes to put end to the vicious cycle.
I pray he returns soon.
Amen! Man, you are damn loaded. God bless you
Thanks bro.
Shabbat Shalom