“Therefore on that day Gid‘on was given the name Yeruba‘al [let Ba‘al defend], because they said, ‘Let Ba‘al defend himself against him, since he destroyed his altar.'”-Judges 6:32
Following the scuffle where Yoash floored the clansmen who wanted Gideon dead with his impeccable argument, Gideon is given a new name.
We’re told he will now be called Yeruba’al.
Remember, in Scripture, a person’s name was based on one’s reputation and character.
Literally, Yeruba’al means “let Ba’al defend”.
But as applied to Gideon, the name meant “the Ba’al Fighter” which I think is a hundred times cooler.
So heads up folks.
From now, Scripture will refer to Gideon by both names: “Gideon” and “Yerba’al”.
And to confuse things even more, once we get into 2 Samuel, you’ll see that Gideon will start being called by a 3rd name:
The reason behind this change is because later on BOSHESH became a disrespectful nickname for Ba’al.
In Hebrew, BOSHESH means shame.
So Gideon’s nickname morphed from “Ba’al Fighter” to “The One Who Fights that Most Shameful Ba’al” or something like that.
Just remember all three names are referring to the same man.
Let’s pivot to the takeaway.
Understand this whole incident was about purifying Gideon and his family from their idolatrous practices that had kept them unclean up to this point in time.
After destroying the altar to Ba’al and sacrificing a 7-year old bull on it, Gideon was now ready to do the work the Lord had prepared him for.
So the takeaway is this:
Only a man who God has declared righteous and clean is qualified to lead the Lord’s people with His authority.
And Gideon and his family was the start of this necessary cleansing.
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