“And the children of Israel did evil
in the sight of the Lord:
and the Lord delivered them
into the hand of Midian seven years.”
-Judges 6:1
From today and then stretching out over the next 3 chapters we’re gonna be doing a deep dive into the story of Gideon and his family.
I think you’re gonna love it because we’re gonna see God’s grace and His awesome righteousness fleshed out and put on full display.
However, a fair warning here.
They’ll also be some stern lessons for us modern believers as well as for the reborn state of Israel.
What do I mean exactly?
I’m talking about modern Israel’s many fruitless and foolish attempts to make peace with their enemies according to the world’s way instead of God’s way.
And the same lessons also apply to the modern gentile church.
I’m talking about the tendency for the church to water down the gospel message to the point where it more reflects a political and anti-god ideology driven by men more than the pure truth of Scripture.
And why do they that?
Because they think by tickling the ears of the people they can fill up their vacant pews and get some more cash into their ever dwindling church bank accounts.
Unfortunately, a watered down and lawless gospel will never soothe nor be the cure for an empty soul.
Let’s keep in mind the pattern that has been firmly established over the last 4 cycles of apostasy we’ve studied over the past couple of months.
Israel falls into idolatry and then after repenting and being saved, the cycle usually ends with the words “then the land had rest for 40 years”.
But when the next cycle starts up again, it begins with the words that started off this chapter: “the people of Israel did what was evil in God’s eyes”.
What I want you to recognize is our walk with God runs on the same parallel tracks.
Think I’m joking.
Examine your life and you’ll see what I’m saying is true.
You start off with great zeal for the Lord, fall away, trouble happens in your life, you cry out to God for help, He saves your butt, you become complacent again and then the whole darn cycle starts up again.
Is it any wonder we’re in need of a Savior?
My answer is a big ‘No Wonder’. Thanks
We definitely need a saviour
We thank God for Yeshua. Shalom