Yesterday I was talking about syncretism and wanna continue that discussion a little bit more today by giving you a perfect example of just how evil it is.
WARNING: Major politically incorrect content ahead.
I know I’m dating myself here but there was actually a time in my life when I had no idea what being gay meant.
I’m serious.
I had no idea what homosexuality was.
I think my dad or somebody had to tell me what it was about.
And to this day, I have a serious aversion to it.
For example, I find it just utterly disgusting to see two men openly making out in the street or in a club or wherever.
The sight of gay porn instantly makes me sick to my stomach.
And when I was living in San Francisco, whenever I made a new friend, if afterwards I found out he was gay, he wouldn’t be my friend for long.
Personally, I just can’t stomach the idea of one guy having sex with another guy.
The mere thought of it makes me wanna vomit.
And I don’t know if I could live with myself if by some accident of fate I had ever committed a sexual act with another dude.
Actually, looking back on my life, when I was a kid, there were a couple of instances when I did experience a couple of dangerous flirtations with evil homosexual babysitters who my single mom left me with when she was out fooling around at night.
One time I was being babysat together with another boy about my same age at the time.
I’d say we were both around 8 or maybe 9 years old.
I can’t remember exactly how old we were but my point is we were young innocent kids.
Well, to make a long story short, our male babysitter (I would say he was in his late teens) tried to get us to have sex with each other.
He said it would feel so good and that he had done it with other kids blah, blah, blah.
Well, by the grace of God, thank God it never happened.
Me and the other kid, we just didn’t have the guts.
Or honestly, I think it’s more accurate to say the idea of sex itself was just so foreign to us, that what this guy was urging us to do was just lost on us.
We were like, let’s just watch TV or play a board game instead.
So in spite of the evil prodding from the babysitter, it never happened (thank God!).
However, at another separate time in my young life, I remember another male babysitter tried to get me to give him a blowjob.
It was another one of those group babysitting situations where I was sleeping in the living room with a bunch of other young kids.
While we were all sleeping, in the dead of night, the male babysitter came up to me…and told me he what he wanted me to do to him.
Again, telling me it would feel so good blah, blah, blah.
I came dangerously close to being tricked into committing a homosexual act with the dude.
But again, something inside of me just couldn’t bring myself to do it (thank God!).
But man looking back I came dangerously close at the time…man I feel so embarrassed and ashamed sharing this.
Even though the physical act never occurred, I’m sure I experienced some serious emotional trauma because of those perverts.
So I guess even from a young age, I’ve always had a healthy revulsion towards certain sexual acts the Lord forbids in Scripture.
But man, looking back, what the hell is up with all these sick pedophiles in the world?!
And to all you parents out there, make sure you do your due diligence before entrusting your kids with some babysitter…especially a male babysitter.
I’m happy to say no female babysitter who looked over me never did anything like that to me.
Anyways, I digress.
The point I wanted to make is I’ve always had a healthy disgust towards homosexuality.
And I use that word “healthy” deliberately because look at how much the world’s attitude towards being gay has changed within a mere couple of generations.
When the “out of the closet” movement of gays started, do you remember what they said?
They said…
“We have zero interest in changing anyone. We’re not promoting our lifestyle. We just wanna be left alone and not treated as a bunch of deviant criminals for our lifestyle choices”.
At the time, Godly men fought against that movement.
They warned us that if homosexuality was allowed to be left as a personal choice or considered to be a legitimate human right, it would spread like a cancer in our society.
Little did they know, they were preaching against the dangers of syncretism.
They were speaking out against the dangers of mixing or allowing the ungodly to assimilate amongst us.
And they were right.
Because look at what has happened.
Today homosexuality is taught as a perfectly legitimate lifestyle option
It ain’t just Adam and Eve anymore.
It’s Adam and Steve is okay too.
And who are you to judge?
There are even kid’s books that are used to brainwash children into seeing same sex couples as being just as normal as traditional marriage.
And people like me are accused of being backward, small minded and ignorant homophobes.
Heck, we even have whole industries that cater to the gay and lesbian community.
And get this.
In some western countries today, if you speak out against being gay, you’ll get arrested and have to go to prison.
Apparently, you’ll have to go through some ridiculous process of re-education before being allowed back into society.
This folks is what happens when you allow syncretism to take root in your society.
This is what happened to ancient Israel during the era of the Judges.
And this is what is happening today.
Do you think the early messianic believers celebrated festivals dedicated to the fertility god of Ishtar or what we call Easter today?
Absolutely NOT!
Do you think the early messianic believers would have ever thought even in their wildest and wackiest of imaginations that their church dedicated to the Messiah of Israel, the most Torah obedient man on earth in his time, would ever one day produce congregations that perform same-sex marriages?
Absolutely NOT!
The idea of a gay church would have been an unimaginable and outlandish notion to them…on par with a church consisting of green alien martians who eat purple marshmallows or something like that.
But that’s the danger of syncretism homies.
It creeps up on us over time.
And it always begins with a compromise.
Like a small leak that has been opened up in a boat.
Almost imperceptible at first.
What starts off as a trickle of water gradually gets stronger and stronger.
And before you know it, the whole darn boat has sunk.
This is the danger of Religious Syncretism folks.
This is what happened to ancient Israel.
And this is what has happened to us.
And the only solution is to repent (which means to “turn back”) and go back to the “old” ways.
That was the solution for Israel back then.
And that’s the solution for us today.
To Hell with Homosexuality:, Homosexuality belongs to HELL. We all are guilty of this childhood shameless acts. Any how one tries to decorate a monkey,’ lts still a Monkey’.What is Evil is Evil. Very disgusting. Thank God that most children born of God that fell into this act often kill that seed as they grow. t ls an EVIL SEED SOWN n the lives of most children. parents must be on the WATCH at ALL TlMES. God have Mercy on us . Thank you sir. Abraham
This is why it’s important for us to raise our children according to his word. GOD himself would have no patience for this kind of behavior. Instead he would destroy them for there shall be no bad fruit in his basket.
Therefore GOD gave us his son, giving those who have or are sinning a chance,. But once you’re dead the chance has been lost.
Jesus is also the judge .
It’s not up to us. You don’t have to except it, but be kind for the judgement day will come for all.
But would love to be a fly on the wall just to see what happens when Jesus is told that he made a mistake with gender!!!
Jesus is the JUDGE. Not us