Scholars have a heck of a hard time making heads and tails out of the Song of Devorah.
Because as I mentioned yesterday, it’s a song that reflects a short slice of Hebrew history far separated from our modern day culture and languages.
It’s filled with a ton of words and phrases that would only be comprehensible to someone from that era.
So don’t try to take a literal approach to understanding this poem.
Because you’ll get lost in the woods real fast.
In fact, some verses in this song are so confusing, even scholars who have spent years attempting to unravel their meaning by digging deep into the ancient languages and Hebrew culture have yet to come to an agreement on what’s really being said in some parts.
Therefore, just understand this.
If you try to translate the words without taking into account the surrounding historical and cultural context, you’re doomed.
But what I can say with confidence is this:
Right now, in our era, the times of the Judges are being replayed right before our eyes.
The situation is so similar it’s downright spooky.
Things have gotten so bad that any person who admits to faith in God are not only looked down on and ridiculed, they are judged as a threat to peace and humanity.
And let’s face it, the church today is just as broken and dysfunctional as the 12 tribes of Israel were during the era of the Judges.
In fact, all of the different denominations spend more time denouncing one another instead of working together to bring God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.
And just like in the time of Judges, true believers are crying out for a deliverer.
And you better believe, a deliverer is coming.
The book of Judges concluded with the establishment of a unified Hebrew Kingdom under ONE king.
That ruler was David.
In the very same way, the crazy times we’re living in today will also conclude with the establishment of the Kingdom of God (spiritual Israel) under ONE king.
And this kingdom will also be a ruler from the line of David.
Can there be any doubt that you are right on target? It is “spooky” how things are lining up for the very near appearing of our one, true king!
Well noted, indeed!
Amen Mark. Thanks for reading. Be blessed and Shalom.